she should stop...?

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What was she doing? She should stop. She just met this man but her fingers were not listening to her brain as she undid his shirt.

When was the last time she had fun with a man she liked. Really liked? She wasnt like sharon she liked real relationships but this man. This sexy skovian and as sam so nicely pointed out was going back to prison someday soon and kitty would regret not kissing this man with all she had. She wasnt about to let the first perfect thing in her life vanish. She didnt just want him, she needed him. She knew sharon wouldn't care, hell she would be proud at her finally getting some action but if bucky and sam found out. Blood would be spilled. But he kissed her again and silenced her thoughts.

Her body felt like it was made of champagne as it tingles and bubbles at his touch before she pops.


The door to the apartment opened and kitty looked to zemo still wrapped in his arms.

'we should get up.' She said weakly. She did not want to get up. If he said stay she would.

'stay.' He said it and he lay back down against him. And he kissed her, he kept kissing her and kitty was sure she was dreaming. She had never left with raf, she had never thrown sharons fling out the window, she had fallen asleep and was having a dream about this amazing man and she didn't want to wake up. He kept kissing her, lower and lower don't wake up she thought as there was a knock at the door, her door. She opened her eyes and zemo was still there his lips on her body and his hands moving along her legs...

'seems our fun has come to an end... for now.' He whispered making his way back up to her lips, whispered in her ear.

'kit kat.' Sharon said knocking again wiggling the door knob, But the door was locked. 'bucky and sam got back, just thought you two would want to know...' kitty rolled her eyes. When bucky and sam left she wasn't thinking that Sharon was still in the house, she wasn't thinking at all past the man in her bed.

'thanks share bear.' Kitty said getting up and putting some clothes on.

That's how the next fews days went. Blissfully. Kitty made excuses about contacts because she knew that once the boys got what they wanted zemo would be gone and she couldn't lose him yet. But Sharon was throwing a party to move the merchandise kitty had 'collected' with raf earlier in the week.

Kitty wore a black cocktail dress and heels she could run in just in case things got dicey. Zemo looked as handsome as ever. Over the past few days they had gotten close, very close. She knew his body well but she couldn't imagine going a day without it. Bucky shut up about her and zemo at least to her face after she dangled him from the balcony.

'kitty!' he yelled hanging from the ledge.

'you are a fucking super solider. I'm sure you can figure out where you went wrong?' she told him marching away.

'SAM!' bucky yelled as he struggled to lift himself over the railing.

'that was extremely sexy and if we weren't leaving for a party right now I would be marching you back into your room,' zemo whispered.

'plenty of time for that.' she kissed his cheek pulling him outside as sam helped bucky up.

'BITCH!' bucky snapped but she was gone.

'she wouldn't be having this effect on you if you didn't still love her.' sam remarked and bucky shot him a glare.

'I do not-'

'dude you don't have to lie to me. your actions speak louder. You love her. shes moving on with the enemy but you need to stop...' bucky groaned.

'I still love her. shes the one that got away. she... damnit she reminds me a time when everything was easy and simple and perfect.' Bucky sat down on the couch Sharon had given them the address they could meet them there. 'I ever tell you of how I met her?'

'no I don't think so.' Sam said sitting opposite of him.

'damnit when I met her as me, not as winter solider... she was perfect. She was looking for me for steve but she saw how happy I was, so she didn't tell steve because she didn't want me to be pulled back into all the avengers bullshit... she became my friend and then my everything really quickly. I fell in love with her. I was in love with her for the first time in my life... you don't move on from first loves. You just don't. not when they look like she does and acts like she does... and damnit sam.'

'you got it bad but just remember zemo is going back to jail and kitty likes him but shes not going to jail with him and she wont be waiting around for him to get out because once hes gone hes gone for good this time. No more little vacations into the real world.' Sam informed him. Bucky nodded. 'she is gonna need a friend to pick up the pieces...' sam nudged bucky and bucky looked up.

'shes gonna need a friend to pick up the pieces.' He repeated smiling.

'you could be that friend.'

'I could be that friend.' With buckys mood improved he stopped snapping at kitty and zemo, he still hated seeing them so close but he just had to keep reminding himself of what sam said and he could relax for a minute but when he saw zemo and kitty dancing he wanted to explode. Luckily Sharon interrupted.

'I got a location. come on.' She told them. 'wheres kit kat and zemo?' sam pointed to the dance floor, they were wrapped up in each others arms a big smile on kittys face as they danced. 'they are so cute together.' Sharon remarked and bucky squeezed his glass until it broke. She eyed him. 'get the love birds and lets move.' Sharon instructed. 

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