new cap

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'John walker. Captain america.' Blonde, very blonde. Kitty thought as he held out a hand to her.

'Yeah because the suit and shield weren't obvious enough,' kitty muttered looking the pompous man up and down. Zemo grabbed kittys hand trying to pull her along but john stopped them.

'Not so fast' he said with a hint of arrogance. 'You are going back to jail.' He said pointing at zemo.

'You will have to get through me first' kitty said sweetly stepping in front of zemo. It had been too long since she last punched someone.

'Listen sweetie' he began. Kitty didnt like pet names coming from his mouth.

'We need him.' Sam said over the tension.

'I have valuable information' zemo added once again trying to maneuver kitty away from the man but she stood strong.

'Listen sweetie' he repeated smiling at kitty with flirty eyes. 'Why dont you come with me. I will get you to safety'

'Ha!' bucky laughed. 'She doesnt need protection walker. Its you that will need protection from her!' John glanced over at bucky but when he turned back to kitty she was gone. Zemo finally pulling her away.

'My contact will meet us here...' he said over his shoulder

'You should have let me punch him'. Kitty whispered

'We dont need to cause any unnecessary-'

'Darling it would be very necessary to punch him.' Zemo smiled at her pressing a kiss to her cheek. Bucky groaned when he reached them so kitty, being kitty pulled zemo in and kissed him, lips tangled together before sam cleared his throat bringing them back to reality.

'Alright lets move it'. Sam said when he saw the little girl from yesterday

'She is your contact?' Bucky asked

As they walked john kept starring at kitty, finally she snapped.

'What walker!' she yelled, the little girl nodded at the building and ran off.

'I know you. Youre a carter.'

'You know nothing jon snow!' Kitty spat trying to get around him

'I know plenty and i know that you are a fugitive and so is he. How about i take you both in and tell the government what i found? It is you that knows nothing.'

'I dont know things that i dont know but i know things that others dont know things that would scare you things that would keep you up at night. So dont tell me what i do or dont know because i know. Trust me. I know.' Kitty spat at john before storming into the building zemo on her heels.

'That didnt make any sense love but it sounded very important' zemo told her

'Oh trust me i know' she said with a laugh.

'A funeral of sort. A memorial for donya.' Zemo said when they arrived. 'karly will be here.'

'Sam should talk to her alone. Extend an olive branch to the girl. If we go in guns-' john cuffed zemo 'blazing... hey what the fuck dude?' Kitty moved to examine the cuffs when john gave her a bracelet of her own. 'I repeat... What the fuck!'

'I dont trust him. I dont trust you. Sit tight. Once we talk to the girl you two are going away for a long time.' Kitty sat up on the counter next to zemo.

'Bullshit!' kitty looked to bucky. 'what did I fucking say yesterday about handcuffs!' she yelled at him and bucky moved to break the chain but walker stopped him.

'they stay locked up.' Walker told bucky pushing him away.

'Sam has 10 minutes... then we go in.' bucky told them and sent kitty an apologetic look. She scowled at him.

'Bastard.' She muttered. Zemo watched as her knee bounced waiting anxiously. But not a minute later john was marching in, his partner lamar and bucky on his heels. Kitty pulled the bobby pin out of her hair and undid her cuffs, slipped off the counter and undid zemos as well.

'full of tricks... I think I will keep you around.' Zemo joked.

'lets get out of here.' Kitty grabbed zemos hand and pulled him in the opposite direction of walker and bucky. Lucky they did go the other way because they found Karly. Had the serum but lost them as zemo shot at her. the serum scattered across the floor. She ran and kitty picked up a vial.

'our lucky day hon.' She said smiling as zemo started to smash the vials.

'I need that!" john barked and sent kitty flying into a wall. She was caught off guard and she was pissed blonde got the drop on her. he had his shield at zemos head when kitty came barreling in feet first flying through the air sending john back into the crushed vials.

'come on,' kitty whispered helping zemo up. He slung an arm over her shoulder and she hauled him away. back to his safe house. She had forgotten about the vial that she was holding, she had hoped that it broke when john sent her flying but she didn't see it. She couldn't think about that she needed to get zemo safe.

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