i told you!

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'I told you to be careful!' Kitty snapped moving to sharons hurt arm.

'Technically you said love you' Sharon reminded her.

'Technically when i love someone i want them to be careful and not come back bloody!' Kitty replied. 'Do you always have to cause –'

'Im older now. I dont have to take orders from you anymore' With that she stuck out her tongue and sauntered off.

'Not that you ever really listened to me before!' Kitty shouted before settling back in next to zemo. He smiled sweetly and rubbed circles in her back. She sunk into him immediately. They had spent the past hour talking out on the balcony as bucky and sam bickered inside. Kitty stayed on zemos lap even though they had an open chair now, she liked being close to him.

'You know we used to be twins but I've blipped away and she didn't and now she's five years older than me and thinks she's the boss, it's a real bitch sometimes.' Sharon sent her a glare from the kitchen before leaving to clean her wounds. 'I was 37 minutes older than her when we were born and now I'm five years younger than her and it sucks it sucks and I hate it because I always got to say I'm older so I am in charge and now she uses my words against me!' kitty shouted into the apartment. 'Bucket blipped away. Sam too. Did you?' she asked helmut softer.

'No i was here. Well in prison. When everyone disappeared.' He told her remembering the moment clearly.

'Did you know when it happened?'

'Yes. A guard was delivering me food and before he put the food through the slot he started to fade into nothingness. Like ash. I thought i was seeing things. I thought that couldnt be right. I was in my cell for three days all alone before someone got around to check on me.'

'I'm so sorry. That must have been scary.'

He nodded thinking back to the fear that coursed through him when the man vanished.

'Apparently many prisoners had vanished as well. No one knew why. But i had my theory.'

'You knew about thanos?'

'Yes. I didnt think he would succeed in my lifetime though. But i lived much longer than i expected.'

'Well im glad youre still here.' Kitty heard bucky groan from the couch.

'As am i. Now that i have met you i cannot remember my life without you in it.' Kitty blushed bucky groaned and sam mumbled

'hes gong back to jail dont get attached kitty.' But she ignored them as zemo kissed her softly. Bucky didnt like that. He yanked kitty off of him throwing her towards sam. Zemo rose immediately and bucky picked up a glass bowl and slammed it against the wall right next to zemos head.

'You stay away from her!'

'Bucky!' Kitty shouted once regaining her footing

'You hear me. You dont touch her you dont even look at her-'

'James bucanon barnes!' Kitty demanded and bucky looked at her anger still in his eyes. 'Cool off'. She snapped stepping in between them. 'Cool off right fucking now before i dangle you over the balcony like one of sharons one night stands!' Jaw clenched bucky looked between the two before catching sams eye. sam nodded towards the door. Begrudgingly bucky took a step back. He slammed the door on the way out.

'Im so sorry' kitty said turning to face zemo.

'It is not your fault.'

'It feels like my fault. I have a psychotic ex boyfriend who has intermittent explosive disorder. God and your bleeding' kitty noticed blood dripping down his neck she examined him before finding a nick in his ear. She cleaned it and put a band aid on it once the bleeding slowed.

'Helmut im so sorry'

'My dear-' he pulled her in and kissed her with fire and passion this time her body pulsing at his touch. 'I will not be so easily scared away.' He told her kissing her again and again and again until her lips were numb and her heart was racing and her head was dizzy and she needed to catch her breath.

'My perfect little juniper.' Again when he said it, it sounded magnificent. He kissed down her neck as she wrapped herself around him. He lifted her and carried her to the bedroom laying her down on the bed he slept in just last night. The bed he dreamed of having her in.

'purple cat ears?' He teased as he undid her jeans.

'Good thing you like purple.' He smiled at her purple bra and underwear and she smiled at him sweetly.

Miss Carter // TFATWS // ZemoWhere stories live. Discover now