i still love you

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'You alright?' bucky asked as they boarded zemos private jet.

'Im just thinking about all the shit sharon and kitty went through.' Sam looked over to kitty she was looking at the window as they flew away.

'Shes gonna be alright'. Bucky said more to himself

'this is so cool!" kitty said as oeznik brought her a flute of wine, 'why thank you sir!' she said happily.

'of course miss carter....' oeznik said looking to the baron.

'Juniper do you need anything else?' zemo asked she shook her head no, chuckling at her name. 'cheers!' she held her glass out to zemo and they clinked as they flew higher into the clouds.

'I haven't been back in the states in years...' kitty said thinking back on a happier time in her life. Maybe happy wasn't the right word. Time with tony was happy, time with loki was certainly happy, fighting with her friends against the evils of the world was necessary but not necessarily a happy time in her life. More time with helmut was sure to be happy, she could make new memories. While she had him that was. Lativa was first though. Then maybe sam would hold up his end of the deal and get her a pardon. But zemo wouldn't be offered the same deal. He was going back to prison. They wouldt get a chance to make those memories.

'I have a place we can stay when we land.' Zemo informed them as he pulled kitty into his lap. 'it is a long ride, get some rest.' He told them and kitty snuggled into zemos lap as he kissed her neck.

Kitty was nothing like his first wife. Kind. Yes. Beautiful. Yes. But his first wife was quiet, submissive, hand picked for him and the zemo legacy. But Juniper carter was exhilarating. She was bold and fierce and strong. She had stamina to last for days, basically an energizer bunny. Yet she was gentle and compassionate. she was protective of her sister as well, zemo was sure kitty would make a great mother. He wanted to be the one to give her children and a life free from the confines of the government but he knew that could never happen. Not in this lifetime.


When they landed zemo brought them to a safe house of his, it was large and spacious. It was right in the middle of everything. Bucky ducked out immediately which bothered kitty because he wasn't being as clever as he thought he was. She watched him from the balcony coming back, he wore a sour expression before announcing that they had 12 more hours before AYO came to collect zemo.

'Ayo?' kitty questioned. 'I'm not letting some rap star wanna be take him away from us before we get Karly.' Kitty told bucky and he laughed.

'rap star wanna be?' sam questioned.

'Yeah what the fuck kind of name is Ayo, like a-yo! Seriously sounds like a fake name of a rapper.' She looked to zemo. 'am I wrong?' zemo knew who ayo was though so he kept quiet. 'who is he?'

"She is the leader of the wakandan army and they are still pissed that zemo killed their king.' Bucky spat but he was grinning.

'oh... fuck. What are they doing here?'

'They have been tracking us apparently.' Bucky said watching kitty.

'they hold a grudge for forever?' kitty offered.

'HE KILLED THEIR KING!" bucky yelled.

'You should have met me sooner, I have...' she looked back to the avengers in the room. 'done things that no one knows about to this day. If you had me you wouldn't have gotten caught.' Kitty said quietly to him.

'says the woman on the run in mandripoor for the last... how many years?' bucky countered.

'That's because I was trying to help you!' she spat. "if I wasn't doing something stupid I would have been fine!'

'helping me was stupid!' bucky snapped. They were face to face but kitty wasn't backing down, she was itching for a fight.

'Yeah, helping you fucked up my life! Sharon and I had to run, to a lawless country in the middle of fucking nowhere!'

'oh poor you and your penthouse suite.' Bucky said glaring at her.

'it wasn't always like that. we had to live on the streets for a while. We were the lowest on the totem pole. We had to work our way up and it was a bitch starting at the bottom because no on fucking trusts an ex spy on the run from fucking shield!'

'kitty,' bucky said softly.

'No, helping you cost us everything! I haven't seen my dad in years and I didn't see my mom before she died! She died and she had no clue if her daughters were alive!'

'I'm sure you could have-'

'our parents were being watched and monitored. I'm a fucking hacker bucky I know a bug when I see it. I couldn't risk them and their lives just cause I missed them!'

'Fuck kitty,' bucky tried again but she wasn't done yelling.

'Damnit bucky I loved you once upon a time that's why I blew up my life, because you had been through hell and I thought you deserved a fair shake after what you went through with hydra but my life exploded and I didnt realize at the time what that meant...' she swallowed the lump in her throat. God this hurt. 'so yeah bucky helping you...' she was quieter now. 'helping you was fucking stupid and here I am helping you again. Why? I don't know. I feel like a broken record player. But I feel like I'm gonna end this trip in cuffs.'

'I wont let that happen. I promise you kitty.'

'your promises don't mean shit.'

'Damnit Kitty, I still love you.' Bucky told her, yelled it at her and she looked at him, not finding the words to say. Face blank.

'Lets just find Karly.' She stomped off taking deep breaths. She made her way to the stairs before she collapsed. Crying, weeping into her hands. zemo came up a moment later and hugged her.

'my love.' She turned into him and cried into his shoulder.

'I'm a train wreck. Run away before I sink my hook in you.' Kitty tried to tease but her voice broke. Zemo stroked her hair running down her back as she breathed in his scent. It was calming her, each deep breath of him soothing her.

'I'm not going anywhere. I promise.'

'don't make promises you cant keep helmut.' She warned. 

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