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Zemo lay on the couch, his head in kittys lap and an ice pack to his head.

'oh you poor baby.' Bucky mocked. Kitty shot him a glare.

'you try getting hit in the head with a fucking virbraium shield! Lets see how you like it!' kitty snapped, wanting to punch him, punch walker, punch everyone. She was pissed at everyone. Sharon had always told her she did good in the government, fighting the bad guys because she needed an outlet for her anger. Sharon told her she had intermittent explosive disorder, undiagnosed but kitty looked up the symptoms and she had to agree. It sounded like her.

Zemo got up and kissed her cheek.

'tea darling?'

'I will make it, give me something useful to do with my hands so I don't punch someone,' she said through clenched teeth. He laid back down as she moved to the kettle. Buckky watched the two, they seemed happy, like how him and kitty used to be. Content and in love. Kitty took zemos hand and lead him away, saying he needed to rest. Pulling him to a bedroom. Bucky wanted to vomit at the thought of kitty being in love with zemo but from the looks of it kitten was smitten with the baron. Bucky heard the door swing open and saw none other than john walker come barging in.


'Do you ever think about starting a family again settling down?' Kitty lay naked in zemos arms after a long day of dealing with super soliders they needed to relax.

'No I mean I didn't at first I didn't think of life pass breaking up the avengers getting rid of the super soldiers and then I was stuck on the cell and I didn't think of life past that moment of being in there forever I thought that was my life I didn't let myself hope for someone like you that could give me the option of love again.'

'And now that you have me?'

'Now that I have you I picture us running around my home. No our home you and me and at least three children three beautiful brilliant children I see a life with you that I had long forgotten and even though I know that life is impossible I still want it, I still want you and I know that's selfish of me and I shouldn't even be telling you these things because it'll get your hopes up when I'm gone but I'm falling in love with you and I want us to have this life but I'm picturing in my head right now.' Zemo admitted and kittys heart hurt, a good hurt, a sad hurt, a heartbreaking hurt that she knew he was right. This wasn't going to last. No matter how much she wanted it to go on forever.

'I would really like that I would like that a lot.' kitty said wrapping her arms around him pulling him closer to her 'maybe we can have that maybe...'

'Okay wheres zemo its time for him to go.' John walkers cocky voice could be heard throughout the apartment

'Get dressed my love' zemo instructed getting dressed as well they both made their way out to sam and bucky

'Zemo time to go' john said taking a step towards him. 'you too carter.' Kitty stood protective in front of zemo though. She wasnt giving him up without a fight.

'Move it lady'. John said putting a hand on her

'Oh you shouldnt have done that'. Bucky said and kitty took his hand from her shoulder her thumb digging into his palm as she snapped back his wrist. He let out a scream as she continued to pull back his arm and forced his head down, kneeing him in the face. He dropped

'Looking strong john'. Bucky said grinning

Kitty took a step back as john got up. He was pissed but the wakandans were here. Kitty knew she couldnt take all three of them plus john. She was going to lose Zemo. She moved back to zemo and hugged him tight.

'I dont want to lose you she whispered into his chest as john tried to sweet talk the wakandans into letting zemo come with him but they werent having it.

'You will not lose me love... come... come with me. I have a way out for us'. He pulled her into the bathroom just as buckys arm disconnected and fell to the floor it took everything in kitty not to burst out laughing. Zemo pulled the tub aside and a passage was revealed. 'Ladies first...'

'im not the fugitive well i am but im not the one they are currently after so you first.' Zemo made his descent and held his arms out to help her down. 'Sewer. Fun.' Kitty said stepping through the slop.

'Once we are free we will be able to go anywhere and everywhere... i will show you the world.'

'I dont need the world. Just you.' Kitty said holding his hand as they carefully walked through the sewer.


Miss Carter // TFATWS // ZemoWhere stories live. Discover now