Juniper Carter

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'I'm gonna take the baron and-" kitty began but bucky stood up.
"Nope." Bucky said moving instantly to block her path.

"Firstly move before I move you and secondly I need to change." She placed a firm hand on his chest shoving him aside. "BRB hon." She called over her shoulder. Kitty returned soon wearing you guessed a black and purple outfit. Bucky glared at zemo, only he was allowed to look at kitty like that. but when bucky looked to kitty she was smiling back at zemo, not him and that made him furious.

'Whats your deal storm trooper?' Kitty asked turning to bucky, clearly angry, fisted clenched, jaw tense and eye twitching.

'Are you sure youre not a stark?' Sam questioned with a laugh 'because you sound just like tony sometimes.'

'Im gonna take that as a compliment' kitty said.

'of course you would,' bucky spat.

'because tony was a genius. And my friend.' Kitty informed them

'Not long lost sister?' sam wondered.

'Not that i know of. Man that would be awkward i went on a date with him once.' Buckys jaw dropped. Sam choked on his drink and zemo rose a jealous brow.

'Yeah? You and tony' bucky said trying not to sound bitter.

'Me and tony.' She confirmed

'His ego too big for you or his package too small?' bucky questioned bitterly.

'No to the first and wouldnt know to the second... We went out drinking and then did drunk karaoke and he took me home. We became best friends. We saved each others asses more times than i can count.' Kitty told them

'Sure stark a gentlemen.' Bucky muttered.

'Come on,' kitty reached for zemos hand 'I got an idea where I can find your man. '

'Where?' Sam asked pulling on his jacket.

'The park.' Kitty said simply. But then she heard the crack of thunder and saw a bolt of lightning drop from the sky. 'Looks like that's going to have to wait. My contacts are pussys about shit weather.' She pulled off her jacket and slung it over the couch and moved to make another tea. She held up a cup to zemo who nodded graciously.

Kitty brought zemo out to the small balcony to watch the rainfall over the city. It was a beautiful view.

'My dear?' My dear kitty repeated smiling back at him.


'What is your real name? Your birth name?'

'Oh. Um. Yeah no.'

'Kit kat hates her name. Hence kitty.' Sharon said coming out to join them.

'Ya know I don't even know your name' bucky said coming out to join them leaning against the door frame.

'That's because you didn't give two shits about my name you had other things on your mind.' She gave them aside glare she turned back to watch the raindrops fall.

'Kitty used to get bullied for her name' Sharon stuck in.

'Thanks share bear you're really helping, you can just shut up and go away now.'

' Why would anyone make fun of you my dear you are simply lovely.'

'Oh come on it can't be any better than helmet' Bucky said with a laugh hitting Zemo on the back making him spill his tea in his lap. 'I mean come on the guys name is a cap men wear in wars nothings gonna be worse than that.'

'It starts with a J' Sharon interrupted.

'Julie Julia Juliet' Sam began

'you know all of those names are just some form of Juli and they are all incorrect' kitty snapped keeping her gaze on the horizon.

'Jessica Jessie –'

'Buck if you say jess im gonna slap you' kitty informed him.

'So not jess got it.' Sam said thinking of more j names.

'What is your name my dear I promise you I will not laugh as my companion said my name is unorthodox at least in America.' She let out a deep sigh and muttered


' Juniper' helmet repeated 'that's a lovely name. You could've been called Juni.'

'I hate it and still hate all forms of Juniper I don't know what mother was thinking maybe she was having a stroke.'

' Juniper' when Bucky said it sounded less beautiful and more mocking but when helmet said it she was OK with the name. it didn't seem so bad but as Bucky and Sam repeated the name saying it out loud as if she didn't know what it was it sounded like those kids that bullied her in elementary school all over again.

'Can you just stop' she snapped and forced the door close leaving her and helmet outside alone.

'My dear how did you get the nickname of kitty?' Sharon pulled open the door and sat down in kittys chair. Helmet pat his lap and kitty obliged sitting down in his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck his hands wrapped around her waist and she leaned into him as Sharon began the story of how kitty came to be.

'So Juniper used to wear these cat ears.' Sharon began

'It was a headband and it was cute it was purple and it was sparkly I loved it I still love it hell I still have it' kitty snapped.

'So this cat eared headband' Sharon corrected 'was worn every day along with the paw print shirts and dresses and cat print shirts and dresses, she had shirts with whiskers and tails and-' kitty cut her off

'hey those were cute I had style I've seen pictures I was fucking adorable.'

' You still are my dear,' helmut whispered in her ear making her blush.

'And for Halloween every year Juniper would be a cat a black cat and she would wear her costume to school every day for the entire month of October.'

'OK you make it sound like I was a weirdo I wore my cat ears every day in October I didn't do the full make up with whiskers and a tail OK I just wear the ears every day until Halloween that's not that weird.' Kitty tried to defend her younger self.

'No I guess not, it's just that she did that all throughout high school.'

'My nickname is Kitty, it was expected of me to be a weirdo no one questioned it especially not after I punched the football quarterback in the face people left me alone after that.' kitty reminded her sister.

'So when Juniper was seven she was renamed kitty and everyone but mother called her kitty, mother still called her Juniper till the day she died.'

'That's a grudge I will hold until the day I die.' Kitty said venomously.

'You are truly something else my dear.' Kitty blushed in his lap and rested her head against his shoulder. His hand moved up and down her thigh as they spoke and kitty couldnt help but think that she could get used to this. Having someone besides sharon that she trusted. That she protected and was protected by. Someone she could love.

'So cat ears' bucky said opening the door a crack kitty sat up in zemos lap annoyed that they were constantly ruining nice moments.

'I need to see pictures of kitty as an actual cat' sam said with a cheeky grin. Sharon adjusted to get her phone

'You show them anything and i will shave your head.' Kitty threatened and sharon put her phone away. 'Good share bear'. Sharon rolled her eyes.

'I gotta go. Im meeting someone about something'

'The thing?' Kitty questioned


'Need back up?'

'No ill be fine. See ya'

'Love you too!' Kitty called over zemos shoulder before sharon returned and kissed the top of her head.

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