2nd part.

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"I hate hard boiled-eggs..."

"Ok," Jason nodded. Still concerned for Nico. Nico wouldn't meet Jason's gaze, and that made the concern even worse. "Hey, Nico, if you want to talk, just tell me." 

Nico nodded, and curled back into his loveseat, ending the discussion. 

Jason turned to leave, but he thought he had heard a faint, 'thank you.'

Nico POV

Nico got out of the shower; his hair soaked and hanging down to his shoulders. As Nico was drying off he remembered the nightmare: it had been about Bianca and Mama leaving him because they wanted to. The young Italian had screamed at Jason out of reflex; Nico was so use to his father coming in and hurting him...Nico looked into the mirror, only to see a hollow, gaunt face looking back. 

You could count each rib, but the worse was his sickly pale skin and the bruises and beer-bottle gashes. Nico wrapped his arms around himself, trying to will away the memories of his father coming back. 

Trying to calm his hammering heartbeat; desperately attempting to push down the rise of panic. Jamming his eyes shut, Nico tried to remember all the good times he had with his father. Granted there weren't a lot, but there were enough for Nico to calm down, and get dressed. 

As Nico slowly made his way downstairs he heard Jason humming and he could smell something...what was that? 

Nico hurried down the stairs and held back a giggle, Jason was wearing an apron, kitchen was a mess, and there was some god-awful pancakes on the stove. 

Nico quietly made his way behind Jason. Examining the pancakes, Nico gently said, "Umm...I don't think that's how you're suppose to make pancakes-" 

Jason jumped at the sudden voice behind him, spinning around, he had his hand raised. Nico's eyes widened, and he froze like a deer caught in the headlights. "

Nico...you scared me," Jason sighed, taking a breath, Jason gave Nico a quick smile, but faded as the older boy saw how the Italian was still frozen stalk still. "Nico, I wasn't going to hurt you, I told you..." Jason whispered, wrapping Nico in a bear hug again. 

Nico nodded, and then slowly he detached himself from Jason. Murmuring, "That's not how you make pancakes..." 

"What was that Neeks?" asked Jason, he hadn't heard the soft spoken mumble. 

A blush crept onto Nico's cheeks as he realized Jason had just given him a nickname. Not wanting to bring attention to this Nico repeated his sentence, louder, "That's not how you make pancakes."

Jason looked over at the Satin's creation of pancakes and grumbled, "I've never made pancakes before..." 

Nico couldn't hold back a giggle, pancakes were the best things in the world, and one of the easiest to make. 

Jason smiled, and let out laugh, "That sounds pretty pathetic doesn't it? I doubt you could do better!" Jason teased. 

Nico smiled and crossed his arms, "Challenge accepted."

-Time skip of Jason and Nico making a mess of a kitchen and Nico making awesome pancakes. And them eating them-

"Nico, those were amazing! Where did you learn how to cook like that?" Jason groaned, patting his stomach. 

They were both on the couch, Nico at one end, doing his best to avoid Jason. While Jason was oblivious to Nico's discomfort. 

Nico was still in his clothes from last night, they were still some what sodden and were uncomfortable. Sneezing, Nico ignored Jason's question. 

"Nico?" Jason asked concerned.

Nico looked away and bit his lip, whispering so softly that Jason had to strain his ears to hear, "My Mama." 

Jason looked away, remember the insults he had jabbed at Nico about his late-mother.

Nico sneezed again and muttered, "I should be getting back-" Nico's voice was cut short by his own thoughts. Nico's face paled. His dad was going to kill him. 

When Nico was late for the first time in his life, and had gone through the front door, his father had beaten him to the inch of his miserable life. The thought of this happening again, sent Nico into a panic attack. Nico was starting to hyperventilate, and his knees crumpled underneath him. 

Jason, being an athlete, fast reflexes stopped Nico from hitting the ground. "Nico?" Jason asked; startled. 

"LET GO!!" Nico screamed, squirming, trying to get away from physical touch. He hated it. All it did was bring him pain.

"Nico, shh. Nico, it's me! Look at me!" Jason pleaded. 

But it was like pleading to a brick wall to move. Nico thrashed, and screamed, tears streaming down his face.

Thank you guys for commenting !!!!


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