Sweet Pain

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Jason's POV.

Jason noticed how Nico stiffened at the mention of a car, but Nico had gone through a rough few days. Jason didn't want to add onto the stress.

As Jason went though his old clothes first to see if he could find boy's clothes for Nico. Before he went through Thal's.

"This would be perfect," Jason chuckled looking at the black button down shirt that was from 8th grade pictures. "He's so short...he'll have to where Thal's jeans."

Chuckling; Jason went in his sister's room, grabbing a pair of light blue jeans.

"OH NICO!!!" yodeled Jason, skipping steps as he went into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Nico asked quietly from the kitchen.

"Here's your clothes!" Jason yelled.

Nico gave out a small giggle and muttered something.

"What was that?" Jason asked, getting really close to Nico's face. N

ico's cheeks went red and he muttered loudly, "You're such a child."

"Well that's what I am!! A two year old in 18 year old body!!" Jason sang, laughing. Throwing the clothes at Nico.

"Thank," Nico huffed, asking, "Where's the bathroom?"

Jason pointed and said, "Don't fall into the toilet!"

Nico stuck his tongue out at Jason and stomped into the bathroom. A slight blush on his cheeks still.

Jason shook his head, enjoying the smile on Nico's face. It was so dazzling... Jason blinked as a sudden thought hit him. He sure cared a lot about Nico.

When Jason had seen Nico about to jump off the bridge, it felt as if Jason's heart was being crushed over and over again. But of course Jason thought it had just been in the heat of the moment.

"How do I look?" asked a meek and humble voice, breaking Jason's train of thought.

Jason turned his head and used all his will power not to let his jaw drop.

Nico looked striking...more than striking.

"Stop staring!" Nico hissed, looking down, scuffing his feet, and blushing.

"Neeks, you look wonderful!" Jason smiled, "Now let's start heading out," Jason added quickly.

Nico nodded and then slipped on the sweatshirt...Jason smiled. He doesn't remember giving that one to Nico.

Jason shrugged though, he enjoyed seeing Nico in his clothes. It made Nico look adorable.

Jason smiled and shook his head, enjoying the feeling in his chest, he was confused with the feeling but it felt pleasant.

Nico POV.

"Jason...don't do anything stupid. Keep your eyes on the road. And don't text nor answer you phone," Nico said through clenched teeth, his hands gripping the arm rests until his knuckles turned white.

 Nico hated car rides, ever sense the accidents they always scared him so much. He was scarred.

Jason looked at Nico and noticed the anxiety and said, "Don't worry," Nico nodded swallowing and closed his eyes as the car purred to life and got out onto the road.

After about fifteen minutes of driving Nico opened his eyes, but was still stiff and was trying to regain control of his fear.

"Nico what's your favorite song?" Jason asked softly, being cautious.

"..." Nico was quiet for a moment and said softly, "I have three. Echo by Jason Walker. Mad World by Jasmine Thompson. And Scarborough Fair / Canticle by Simon and Garfunkel."

Jason grinned, knowing only Scarborough Fair, and teased, "So you like old music?"

Nico shook his head 'no.' and explained, "No, I like folk or a story music. I listen to hard rock a lot because there is a story there. Like BVB."

Jason looked at Nico and laughed, "Sometimes my sister listens to that...it's...interesting..." Jason trailed off, grinning and looking Nico.

"EYES ON THE ROAD!!" Nico shouted. Gripping the arm rests again.

Jason quickly put his eyes back on the road, but gave a few worried glances at Nico.

Nico was stiff, sweat rolled down his neck, his eyes wide and darted to any passing car. Trying to control his beating heart, his screaming soul, and his shaking hands, Nico asked hoarsely, "So...how's the family doing?"

Jason grinned and said happily, "I don't think we could be any happier. I mean whoever helped us is a saint."

Nico didn't have a clue Jason knew it had been Nico who had helped out.

"Hey, we're almost there," Jason smiled and then asked, "I'm sorry, but I never did ask, and I'm sorry I am asking now...but what was your dad like before..." Nico knew what Jason was going to say '...before your mother's death.'

But Nico knew Jason was trying to be polite, so he answered, "He was such a fun guy, strict, but fun. He really loved my sister...so when she died he turned a bit colder. He was still kind with my mother but...not so much to me." Nico looked away, he could feel tears building up in his eyes, his throat was clothing.

"Nico, you can tell me later," Jason said softly. Then he parked in a parking lot.

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