A/N for a title, be careful...read on...keep scrolling........

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As Nico and Jason walked into the diner Nico smiled, and whispered softly to Jason, "This is my second time going to a restaurant in America."

Jason's eyes widened and was going to question the boy when Mr. Grace shouted, "My boys! Over here!"

Nico's eyes slightly widened, and his hands turned a bit clammy. Nico was nervous about meeting another father, he had no idea if they were all like Hades.

Jason gently put hand on Nico's lower back and guided both of them to the table. "Nico, son, come sit over here-" Jason cut his dad off, "Dad, I haven't seen you in a while, I'm going to be selfish and sit by you."

Nico gave Jason a looked that thanked.

Jason nodded and then patted next to the seat next to him.

Nico took it, fiddling with his fingers underneath the table.

Thal looked at Nico quietly and then said, "You like BVB." It was a statement not a question.

Nico's eyes widened and his cheeks reddened, he stuttered, "You know that how?"

"Because you're like the guy version of me!" Thal squealed; fan-girling.

The Grace's laughed and Nico chuckled along.

"Now, boy," Mr. Grace said, turning his head towards Nico, "I must ask you how did you do that?"

"Do what?" Nico swallowed. Confused.

"How did you figure out the formula for my surgery?" Mr. Grace asked.

Nico's cheeks reddened and he shifted, "I-I I d-don't know what you're talking about-"

Mrs. Grace cut off Nico, "Dear boy, we all know how you helped my husband. No need to be humble."

"Oh, yea...I'm just surprised you knew. I thought I told Leo not to tell..." Nico replied peevishly.

Thal laughed, "You saved our freak'n father!!! Of course we wanna know who saved him!"

Nico smiled at Thal and then answered Mr. Grace's question, "I studied the medical area with my mother and sister."

"What does your father do for work?" Mr. Grace asked, Mrs. Grace adding, "What about your mother?" And Thal finished, "How old is your sister?"

Jason looked at Nico with alarm, waiting for Nico to freak out, but Nico kept it cool. On the inside...Nico was tearing up. "My father runs a cemetery, funeral home, and anything to do with death basically. I'm sorry that I had to explain that before eating," Nico gave a quick smile for apologies and then continued, "And my mother is a nurse. My sister is 18." Nico felt a warm hand encase his shaking one. Nico's eyes slid slowly towards Jason who seemed to be telling Nico with his eyes to hold on.

Nico nodded and lived through the torture of answering the Graces' questions.

Nico knew that they meant no harm but it was tearing Nico apart every time he had to explain about something about his family.

Soon the food came and everyone was too busy with their mouth full to notice Nico's loss of appetite. To be honest, Nico hadn't been feeling well. Ever since he had gotten here, he felt a little light headed and felt restless but weary at the same time.

"Nico," Jason snapped his fingers in front of the Italian's nose.

"Oh, what? Sorry dozed!" Nico quickly apologized, Thal smirked and then must have repeated herself before this, "Well we're leaving and Jason was trying to explain to you that you two were going to be staying at a hotel for the night because Jason doesn't want to drive in the dark."

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