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Nico POV.

It was the simple fact that his kidney was just suffocated. There wasn't anything wrongwith it, something was pressing into it.

Nico understood that, he tried to tell the nurse at the front desk, but she called the doctor, and was going have him be put out. Nico didn't want that, he wanted to make sure he kept Mr. Grace alive. Has if vision turned black from the needle in his neck, he whispered to Leo, "Don't tell the Graces I helped..." then the world turn black.

Nico woke up stiff and sore. Bruises and cuts still stinging from the few hours before. Letting out a small groan he tried to sit up, but his arms gave out and he fell back down. Sighing softly, Nico opened his eyes.

"Finally," growled a voice. Jumping; Nico sat up, not caring about the pain, and backed up to the corner of the hospital bed. Pulling the blankets with him. "So, what'd you do to end up here?" Jason asked, looking Nico in the eyes. Noticing how rare and odd the Italian's beautiful browned eyes were. How deep and dark, they seemed to look into your soul, how gone they seemed. Long black lashes making it more noticeable.

Nico just shrugged. Reaching for the button on the gurney, to call a nurse, but no button was to be found. Jason had it. "No one's going to help you. So do you mind answering my question?" snapped Jason. Nico flinched away and shrugged again. "I know you can talk," Jason sighed, he was sitting in the hospital chair, looking warned out as crap.

"What's wrong with you?" Nico whispered. A small blush creeping to his cheeks when Jason looked over at him startled. The older boy's jaw hanging open. "Why would you ask?" Jason gasped.

Nico shrugged again, relaxing slightly. Jason didn't seem to have any attention of hurting him. "I wasn't able to say good-bye..." Jason choked.

Nico's eyes widened and he let out a small gasp, "He didn't live?" Jason nodded, and explained, "He's alive, but the chance of him surviving is low, I wasn't able to say good-bye." Nico's heart did a little leap. Mr. Valdez was actually taking his plan seriously.

Leo and Nico went a long way back. Nico didn't like Leo, nor did he like any doctor, but Leo seemed to see past the little dark rain cloud and was able to accept Nico. Then all happiness was washed away when he saw Jason.

Jason's shoulders were slumped, his eyes down cast, tear stains on his cheeks. Slowly getting up off the bed, Nico slowly walked towards Jason. His bare feet not making a noise; his hospital gown loosely hanging onto his body.

Then Nico made the most daring move in his life. He wrapped his skinny arms around Jason Grace, and gave him a small hug. Jason stiffened, and Nico leapt away instantly, already blocking the hit that was sure to be coming.

Jason gaze scanned Nico, then he said gruffly, "I thought you might need your clothes if you were thinking about getting out of here." Nico didn't smile, but he backed up and nodded. Jason got up stiffly and left the room. Nico lunged at his clothes. He was getting out of here before his father could get here.


Sneaking in his house, Nico trying to open his bedroom window. The only issue, there was a fifteen foot drop. His house was huge, and his bedroom was in the attic. The only way Nico had gotten up here was from experience and the mammoth of a maple tree.

He was now three feet away, and was on the slimmest branch. Nico seeing how part of the branch was cut, frowned, stupid weather. But he wrapped his arms and legs around the tree branch, going upside down, slinking his way to his window.

There was only a foot gap between him and the window. Reaching out his arm, he opened his window. He brought his hand back, and slowly let go with his legs. Swinging back and forth, he let go. And flew into his room. Nico landed without a sound, he quickly shut his window and checked around his room. Then he listened. He didn't hear his father...great. Nico let out a sigh. He did all this work for nothing. Nico's father stayed out late and came home drunk .Nico couldn't hate his father though, Hector, or Hades to Nico. Nico nicknamed his father after the god of death because everyone his father cared for was dead and now he was only left with an excuse of a son.

But sometimes Hades would take his anger and grief out on Nico. Telling the poor boy that it was his fault Bianca and Maria died. It was his fault that Bianca waited for Nico and was hit by a truck. It was Nico's fault that Maria...Mama...got in a car crash. But who else could Hades blame. Nico was there both times.

"Nico! Hurry up!" called Bianca. Nico and his sister were walking in the bustling streets of New York. They had just moved there from Italy,

Nico was getting anxiety with all the noise and all the lights. And last thing he needed was to be lost and taken away from his sister. Nico hurried towards his sister, who was waiting in front of a cross walk. The button that told you how many seconds you had left was at 29 seconds.

Nico was only 3 seconds away from his sister.

Bianca held out her hand for Nico to take, and Nico reached out to take it, but suddenly there was a blasting noise, and a the sound of a body hitting something with extreme force.

Nico, being 7 years old, stood there in shock, his already well developed knew that his sister was dead. First because the large pool of blood. Second: any object being hit with that speed would die.

Nico couldn't help himself though, he dropped to his knees and shook his sister's shoulder, "Wake up! WAKE UP!" "



Nico, you have to talk to the doctor this time," Maria, or Mama, whispered softly to Nico. It had been a year sense Bianca's death and Nico's anxiety got worse, his depression amped up, and his grades soared. Math grades dropped like a rock.

There was no pattern in Nico's moods. He was always quiet, did his homework, and whenever something got too much he would walk out of the room.

Maria looked at her son, he looked to old to be 8. He looked like he was 80, his face warn down and tired.

Maria had tried to get her son to talk to a psychiatrist. But Nico would refuse to talk, and the psychiatrist would refuse to work with him. He was rejected at school. Teachers called and complained that Nico questioned to many things in papers, or he never talked or participated.

Maria hated seeing his son like this. Maybe if they would go visit Italy, they could hang out, and Nico would become happier.

"Nico," Maria said softly.

"Yes Mama?" Nico asked quietly, he enjoyed talking to his mother. "

Would you like to go back and visit Italy for spring break?" Maria, smiled, looking over at Nico.

Nico's face lit up, and for once in a long time, he actually smiled, his face lit up and he cried out, "YES! MAMA THANK YOU!!" Nico laughed, and magically his face turned into a 8 year olds, but it was quick contorted into one of fear.

Maria, turned to look out her window, when she saw a man driving fast; texting. She couldn't react. Her side of the car was crushed by the giant Durango.

Nico's head banged against the glass of their car, and looked over with bleary eyes. Blooding rushing down the side of his head. "Mama?" Nico whispered. Maria didn't answer, she couldn't her heart had stopped beating.

Nico bolted up from his sleep, gasping at the dreams. His hand clutching the fabric above his heart, trying to stop the extreme beating of his heart. Taking deep breathes of air, Nico did his best to keep the noise down, but his throat let out a small strangled scream. Covering his mouth, he grew tense, waiting for his father's thundering voice.

Nico's door broke open and he yelped in fear, there was his father. Hades's eyes were blood shot and his breath smell of liquor. "Why can't you just stay quiet for once? Why do you always have to back for attention?" Nico's father slurred.

Nico looked away, trying to turn into an even smaller target.

"Well come here boy!!" thundered Hades. Nico walked forwards, still stiff from the bullies.

But from what his father was going to do, the bullies' work would seem like child's play.

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