Better with Sprinkles

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This is the thirteenth chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends! This chapter is all about ice cream! Not something that usually crops up in horror stories, but innocent-looking things like ice cream have been known to harbour dark secrets! In this case, the inhabitants of Willy's Wonderland desire some of that sweet treat, lol! 😈😅 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


At Old Man Winston's Ice Cream Parlour, in Hayesville, that evening ...

"That one!" cried a little girl, who was pressing her face against the glass of the ice cream counter.

She looked to be 7-10 years old, with short blonde hair, freckles, in a pale green shirt and blue overalls.

"I want that one!" the little girl demanded, prodding the glass in front of a specific tub of ice cream.

The server behind the counter chuckled at the child's enthusiasm as he began to scoop ice cream from that tub.

"Triple Berry Supreme! Always a good choice, little miss!" he said. The little girl bounced up and down excitedly as she watched her snack being made.

"Can I have sprinkles, please?" she asked. "It's always better with sprinkles!"

The man grinned, nodded, and did as the kid asked. The server's name was Mr Winston ... but a lot of people called him 'Old Man' Winston.

Old Man Winston was a smiling, middle-aged man with short, greying-brown hair, and wearing a green and blue ice cream server uniform.

He'd owned and run his ice cream parlour in Hayesville for ages upon ages.

Indeed, to some people, it felt like this particular ice cream man had been there all their lives.

Winston loved his job, he loved living in a place like Hayesville ... and he especially loved the children who came to him for ice cream!

The server-owner put the scoop of ice cream into a cone, patted it down, and then handed it to the kid.

Said little girl squealed in delight and took the ice cream quickly, licking her lips. Her mother raised an eyebrow at her daughter.

She has short, brown hair, a bright maroon shirt, and carrying a brown handbag.

"What do you say?" the mother prompted gently.

"Thank you, Mr Winston!" the little girl said on cue ... and then tucked into the treat with gusto!

Old Man Winston chuckled again.

"You're welcome, dear!" he said, and then glanced at her mother.

"You goin' to the big soccer game on Friday? The one in Hayesville High School Gym?" he asked. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we are! You?"

"Sure!" Old Man Winston replied, smiling wryly.

He didn't take many breaks from his chosen career, but going to watch the soccer ... was definitely a valid reason!

"We're going to make it a fun family night!" the mother added, getting her purse out of her handbag.

The ice cream server gave them a knowing wink and warm smile as he sorted out the payment.

"Sounds great! Hope you guys have a good time!" Winston said, with an encouraging thumb's up.

"Thanks! You too!" the little girl's mother replied, turning and starting to shepherd her daughter towards the exit.

"Goodnight! Come back again soon!" the server-owner said, as he waved goodbye to them.

"Bye!" the little girl said, turning and waving back to Old Man Winston.

Oddly enough, neither the family ... or Mr Winston noticed the figures waiting in the shadows near the front door.

The ones that had secretly snuck in while the humans were occupied.

Slowly, said figures then ominously stepped out of the shadows and approached Old Man Winston.

The ice cream shop owner had his back to the ominous strangers, pre-occupied by washing his hands.

"I'm next! Me! Me!" a husky, overly-cheerful girl's voice suddenly cried! It startled Mr Winston a little!

"Now, now, my darling ... let the little one go first. Kids always go first", a broad, melodious voice reproached gently.

This particular voice had a strangely metallic, slightly echoey undertone to it. Like this person was speaking from inside a tin can?

"Thanks, Uncle Knighty!" a little girl said joyfully.

Swiftly recovering from his shock, Old Man Winston started to dry his hands ... preparing to deal with these new customers.

The parlour owner frowned thoughtfully as he put on a new pair of plastic gloves.

I didn't even hear anyone else come in! Mr Winston mused. But ... customers are customers, after all.

One thing nagged at his mind though. This new kid's voice sounded ... familiar, somehow?

She sounded oddly similar to a kid who was a regular customers to his shop, decades ago.

That little girl used to come here with her dad to get ice cream. Very sweet-natured kid too.

What was her name again? Bia ... or something like that?

"What can I ..." the ice cream shop owner's voice died in his throat as he turned around.

Winston's customary greeting smile instantly turned to shock as he stared at the new customers.

They were not the usual sort of customers ... actually not human at all!

Two of the big Willy's Wonderland mascots were standing right before the ice cream counter, and looking straight at him.

The red-bearded knight in the golden armour, and the pink chameleon in her frills and pink skirt.

"Um ... hi, Mr Winston", said the little girl's voice awkwardly.

The voice seemed to come from the knight's right shoulder ... where a fair-sized weasel doll was sitting.

It had brown eyes, light brown fur, pink ear bows, and a red dress on. The doll smiled shyly, and then waved a paw at Mr Winston.

The poor, bewildered man could not find anything to say for several seconds, his thoughts in chaos!

Was he hallucinating?!

You've got to be dreaming, Winston ... yep, definitely dreaming! Robots can't walk into my shop, and dolls can't actually talk!! he thought to himself.

Old Man Winston quickly closed his eyes and rubbed his face several times with his hands, trying to 'wake himself up'.

The parlour owner then opened his eyes ... and found the robots and doll exactly where they had been before.

Only now, the robots seemed to be wearing mocking smiles. As if they were amused by Winston's confusion.

Right ... NOT dreaming then! Or hallucinating!

"What in the world are you things?" the chap finally asked, the words bursting of him like a waterfall.

The weasel doll promptly facepawed at the bluntness of Mr Winston's words.

Do you think that it was wise for Old Man Winston to say that to the trio? What do you think? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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