Clearing up the Trash

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This is the ninth chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends! This chapter features Tex being drunk, and his foolishness angering the residents of Willy's Wonderland! The police are a bit miffed too! Sorry if people find this chapter a bit icky! Apologies for that! 🥺😣 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


What happened next was too disgusting to put down in words!

"Oh gross!" a loud chorus of voices yelled simultaneously. Willimeena was quickly snatched away safely by Siren Sara.

Tex Macadoo was immediately dropped to the floor, and landed heavily like a 'sack of spuds'. The winded chap groaned and rolled onto his back, too sick to be aware of the multiple mechanical feet approaching him.

"Eurgh, that's disgusting!" spat the voice of Cammy Chameleon.

"Why's he done that?" Ozzie Ostrich demanded.

"Hang on a mo!" Arty's voice suddenly rumbled. One pair of approaching mechanical feet abruptly seemed to speed up, faster than the others.

Those particular feet stopped by Tex, and then he heard sniffing noises next to his head. How the 'Willy's Wonderand' mascots could 'smell' like humans and animals ... was completely beyond the delirious restaurant owner!

The sniffing noises suddenly stopped, and were replaced by disgusted scoffs from Arty.

"Oh god, he stinks of drink!" the animatronic alligator hissed in revulsion.

"You mean ..." Sara began, clutching Willimeena tighter to her chest. The little weasel doll squeaked a little at that.

"Yep", Arty Alligator confirmed tersely, and very bluntly. "He's as drunk as a skunk!" All of the killer robots made joint exclamations of disgust and annoyance at this.

"This is why I don't like drunks!" muttered Willy Weasel, looking distastefully down at himself. The prodigal daughter looked across at her father with anxious eyes, concerned about what had just happened.

"Are you okay, Daddy?" Willimeena asked. The bigger weasel closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath in and out ... , and then opened them again.

Willy now looked a lot calmer; his fearsome temper held in check as he smiled reassuringly at his little girl.

"Yeah, Bia. I'm all right", the big weasel said warmly. Willy's smile then changed to a sneer as he turned back to look at Tex.

"Ugh, he's not worth it ... even for a meal! Even I have finer tastes!" the animatronic weasel stated huffily. His crew all made hums of agreement, even Arty and Ozzie!

It seemed that what happened had swiftly disintegrated the idea of 'Macadoo Macaroons'! The white-suited businessman slowly raised his head, an expression of mingled dizziness and dawning hope.

Maybe ... I'll survive this night after all? Tex thought with a faint smile.

"But what'll we do with this layabout then, boss?!" the green gator robot asked loudly, thrashing his tail about petulantly. "Personally, I can't stand this brainless idiot in our home for another second!"

The restaurant owner quivered at the sight of Arty's angrily snapping teeth ... but the other mascots and Willimeena Weasel weren't perturbed at all!

"Calm down, Arthur!" Siren Sara said soothingly, walking towards the animatronic reptile. She then put a reassuring hand on Arty's right shoulder, and patted it gently.

"Why not put him where he belongs, Willy? Only fitting!" the blue fairy suggested, inclining her head towards the entrance doors. Her robotic leader grinned wolfishly, his eyes glinting evilly.

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