A Promise and a Dream

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This is the twenty-sixth, and final chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends!

This chapter will feature a scene at night back in the far past ... where thunder and lightning brings Jerry closer to his daughter.

A very familiar character makes her appearance for the first time too! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


In Jerry's bedroom, his flat in Bainbridge, back in the past, at night ...

(When Arabia is three years old) ...

A piercing scream of terror instantly woke Jerry Robert Willis up, one hand instinctively grasping under his pillow.

It found the serial killer's favourite knife, which always was put there when Jerry went to sleep.

It was a good safeguard against trouble ... especially for those in the criminal way of life.

The middle-aged man quickly threw the bedclothes off and jumped out of bed, his eyes narrowing.

Jerry Willis knew exactly who'd just screamed ... his daughter: Arabia.

What happened? Has someone broken in?! Arabia ... if she's ...

The aforementioned girl's father quickly ran out of his bedroom and through the flat to her room.

His thoughts were a whirl of anxiety and downright terror as he kicked open Arabia's door.


In Arabia's bedroom, 1 minute later ...

Arabia Daisy Willis woke instantly, clutching her blanket with confusion as she stared at her dad.

The little girl's eyes were wide and startled, with small traces of fear in their depths. Fear ... which instantly made Jerry regret his loud, abrupt entrance.

"I'm so sorry if I scared you, darling ... so sorry. I heard you scream and was worried", the man said soothingly, as he put his knife away.

Jerry slipped it quickly into a sheath at his belt, behind his back ... where Arabia wouldn't see it again.

The aforementioned little girl shook her head, smiling a little smile.

"You not scare me, Dada." Jerry walked over to Arabia's bed, both relief and confusion welling up inside him.

"I'm glad of that, Bia", he whispered, while ruffling his daughter's hair affectionately. "But what DID scare you? Something definitely did that?"

Before Arabia could reply, a sudden crash of thunder rang through the air and a huge flash of lightning lit up the room.

The little girl screamed in fright, pulling away from Jerry and hiding under the blanket.

The aforementioned man blinked in surprise; realisation swiftly dawning on his face.

Bia's scared of the thunder? he thought, silently cursing himself for not realising sooner. How long has this been going on?

Jerry's now frowning face then changed to a look of compassion as he moved to comfort Arabia.

"Shhh, Bia. It's okay, I'm here", the man murmured as he scooped the trembling child into his arms. "You're safe, Daddy's got you."

For a few minutes, the two stayed like that. Jerry murmuring soft words and hugging his shaking daughter ... who was now crying quietly in fright.

Eventually, Arabia's quivering died down and she wiped at her eyes with her little hands. The little girl's dad smiled at her warmly and gently.

"Feeling better, Bia?" Jerry asked, hoping that his daughter was okay now. Arabia looked back up at him, a full smile now on her face.

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