Scorched by Spitfire

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This is the eighth chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends! In this chapter, Willimeena Weasel carries out her threat from the last fanfic book and teaches Tex a lesson! Don't ever mess with angry kids, particularly ones in possessed toys! I hope that you guys like it! 👍



Inside the hall of Willy's Wonderland, three hours later ...


Tex Macadoo yelped and narrowly dodged a metal chair thrown at him, a terrified expression on his face. It crashed against the nearby wall and clattered to the floor, joining two other chairs lying there.


The white-suited businessman yelped again, and ran to hide under the easternmost table in the hall. He crouched underneath the piece of furniture, trying not to leave any part of him exposed in the open!


Tex winced, and flinched as he heard a large object (another table) slam into the table above his head.

"Please, please listen to me!" the restaurant owner pleaded desperately. "How was I to know what was going to happen—"


Tex squeaked in fear and scrambled away, as his protective table was kicked over suddenly! His frantic antics were observed in amusement by the eight killer animatronics, who were currently lounging around the sides of the hall.

They were smirking and following the action with intensely interested gazes.

"Jesus, what an uproar!" Ozzie Ostrich quipped, chuckling as he leaned against the left wall; right next to Siren Sara. The aforementioned fairy smirked and nodded in agreement to her neighbour's statement.

"Yeah, never expected that to happen!" she said.

Directly across from them, Willy Weasel and Arty Alligator were leaning against the right wall, next to each other. The robotic gator was presently holding a big bag of popcorn in his claws.

"Popcorn, boss?" Arty asked, offering a handful of such to the big weasel. Willy Weasel turned his head, smiled, and nodded gratefully.

"Thanks, Arty!" he said, taking the handful of popcorn. The two animatronics then turned back to watch the chaos of yells and thrown furniture, as they dined on the cheap popcorn.

"Little wildcat, isn't she?" Arty remarked, with an evil grin. "I've never seen a temper that fiery before, barring yours, Willy!"

The aforementioned weasel robot smiled toothily in pride as he watched.

"Oh well, she gets it from me!" Willy stated, through a mouthful of popcorn. Over in the middle of the dining hall, Tex Macadoo was cowering in the midst of a shattered table.

The restaurant owner's can-do attitude had completely vanished as he cringed away from the heavy games cabinet held over his head.

"Please, Arabia, please calm down!" Tex begged, pathetically grovelling on his knees before his attacker. For, indeed, it was ... Willimeena Weasel.

The weasel doll's teeth (which were bared in a fearsome scowl) were hard and sharp once again. Her fur was fluffed up like an angry cat's, and the pup's eyes glowed bright green ... just like last time.

Willimeena was currently holding an entire games cabinet up and over the white-suited businessman ... easily, as though it was a dandelion leaf!

"I'm so sorry that I screwed up!" Tex pleaded for mercy, hiding his head in his hands. "I accept that I'm the one to blame, and I wish that I could take it all back!"

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