Demolition Aborted!

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This is the fifth chapter of the triquel: Fiendish Friends! This chapter is where the confrontation between Eric and Willy Weasel happens; man to man ... over the fate of the abandoned restaurant! It's not looking good for Eric Miller though ... even with Willimeena Weasel trying to make the situation a bit better! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


"What the hell?! You're ALIVE?!!" came the demolition contractor's chosen questions ... in a slightly strangled shriek.

Like a lot of the townspeople, Eric had found out about the birthday party massacre at Willy's Wonderland last night ... but never really believed the rumours of the robots being alive!

He just assumed that the costumed machines had gone out of control, due to faulty programming by Tex Macadoo. Now ... the demolition contractor wasn't so sure?

Willy Weasel's present supercilious smirk and manner of walking smacked strongly to Eric Miller's mind of bullying human behaviour. But that was impossible, wasn't it?

The animatronic leader's smirk quickly turned to a self-officious sneer as he stopped in front of the man lying prone.

"You know, Bia, sometimes I wonder if the people in these parts are born stupid?" Willy said idly, looking up at his daughter on his head.

"I've travelled this goddarn country a lot and met far smarter beings than him!" The weasel robot ranted on, ignoring the hurt and annoyed look that Eric shot him.

Willimeena, though, sent the hurt and insulted chap a sad, sympathetic smile ... that Eric Miller couldn't help returning.

"I suppose that it was Cammy who threw you out of that window?" Willy Weasel suddenly asked, changing the subject and pointing up.

The demolition contractor then suddenly realised that the two weasels must have witnessed his very humiliating plunge to the garden from the aforementioned window.

"The lizard? Yeah?" Eric muttered, flushing heavily.

"Chameleon", Willimeena corrected gently. The robotic weasel nodded at the man's words, smirking knowingly and approvingly.

"I thought that it was her. Cammy has developed the most remarkable sense of fun and humour over the years ... it's ironic how shy she was at the start!" Willy said, evidently reminiscing on 'good' memories of the past.

"But I digress!" the animatronic weasel said sharply, in a sudden mood swing ... so sudden it made Eric Miller flinch! Willimeena Weasel just sighed.

"You're probably wondering why all of us are here, Mr Demolition Contractor!" The aforementioned chap shivered at Willy's venomous words.

He now could guess exactly why these mechanical monsters from hell had turned up! How they'd found out about it though ... Eric had no idea! I am so screwed ... the man thought miserably, as the big weasel continued speaking.

"Did you really think that we were just going to let an idiot like you demolish our home?! You didn't even consult with us first!" Willy Weasel bellowed, his words almost vibrating with rage.

The sheer force of the weasel robot's vicious vitriol was swiftly reducing the demolition contractor to quivering, metaphorical jelly at his feet.

Willimeena Weasel just winced and felt even more sorry for Eric Miller. Her father wasn't done with the chap just yet though ... not for a long way, she knew!

"I'm very sorry, I apologise!!" sobbed the man, bowing his head in a show of hasty remorse.

"The demolition's cancelled! I'll make sure of it! Just spare me and my kids, please! I beg of you!" Eric whispered, trying to appeal to Willy Weasel's 'sense of mercy'.

The aforementioned animatronic merely snickered at the pitiful plea, his mood rapidly changing again.

"It's funny that you mention your kids, actually ..." Willy said nonchalantly, looking meaningfully up at the upper windows of the house.

The demolition contractor's eyes followed the big weasel's gaze ... and saw scary-looking shadows moving inside the window of his children's bedroom.

"Maggie ... Jeff ..." Eric Miller whispered his children's names in despair, tears welling up in his eyes and trickling down his face. The weasel doll just closed her eyes for a second, and looked down and away from the sight above.

Willy Weasel, unlike the other two; seemed to be very chipper and relaxed about it, grinning happily as he looked back at Eric.

"Cheer up now, fella!" the robotic weasel said, suddenly grabbing the wounded man by the shoulders with one right paw. Eric Miller cried out in pain as Willy's claws dug into his skin and aggravated his present injuries.

"Why don't we go in and make sure that the kids are put to sleep, hmmm?" he suggested, and then looked up at his obviously distraught daughter.

"Don't worry, Bia, they're being treated 'gently'!" Willy said soothingly, scratching Willimeena in one of her purring spots.

"Your uncles and aunt gave you their word on that, didn't they?" Despite her sadness, the little weasel pup purred deeply and snuggled into her father's head fur.

"And I won't deprive the Miller kids of their parents' tender, loving, care either!" the bigger weasel murmured, his gentle smile suddenly turning vicious.

Eric sagged in utter defeat with a look of total depression as he realised Willy's meaning. It was all over for him ... really over.

Oh well ... at least, I'll see Rosie again? the man thought to himself. And my kids will be safe from these monsters for all eternity! I guess that that's something?

A faint, tiny smile appeared on the demolition contractor's face, but it quickly vanished as Willy Weasel then hauled him up to eye height with the monstrous weasel.

"After your kids are dealt with, you and I can have a teeny weeny, private chat about the aborted demolition!" the animatronic leader hissed at the unfortunate Eric Miller.

And I'm so looking forward to it!" he added, licking a rather impressive and scary set of sharp fangs!

Willimeena Weasel, now out of her purring trance, stared down sympathetically at Eric as her dad then started dragging him towards the house.

"I'm so sorry about this, sir", she said with a sad smile. "A piece of advice to you ... just apologise to my dad in full at the start of your chat with him."

The chap looked up at the little weasel doll with a look of slight hope on his face.

"Will I get to live if I do?" he asked curiously.

"No, you'll die more painlessly this way. Sorry."

Hope ... that died as swiftly as it had come.


Do you think that Willimeena is trying her best? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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