Running Reckless

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This is the twentieth chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends! In this chapter, Chip is planning risky revenge on his animatronic foes for killing his love.

Dommie, his friend hopes to prevent any recklessness! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Outside the door of a slightly run-down apartment, in Hayesville, a few minutes later ...

BAM! BAM! BAM! Dommie pounded hard on her friend Chip's door, looking worried.


It had been a week since Willy's Wonderland had been shut down after the ... the party massacre.

Chip had taken the sudden and fatal loss of his girlfriend Lexie very badly, and had holed up in his apartment for ages. To be honest, the green-shirted woman was still trying to come to grips with it herself.

How could ordinary entertainment robots in a restaurant just come to life and kill people like that?! It didn't make sense at all! Plus ... Dommie really missed her friend Lexie.

The green-shirted woman was still traumatised by the memory of the poor girl being dragged kicking and screaming into darkness. Not to mention the living weasel doll, and her menacing father: Willy Weasel.

If Dommie was this badly affected, she couldn't possibly imagine how Chip was reacting! He'd refused to respond to any of Dommie's messages at all, which seriously concerned her.

She was worried that he might do something reckless and / or stupid ... that's why Dommie had come directly to his apartment. But so far, no one was answering her knocks. The green-shirted woman's eyes narrowed.

"Chip? I know that you're in there", she said firmly, and loudly. "Your building manager said that he watched you come home. Let me in!"

Still no response.

A slightly annoyed Dommie then tried jiggling the doorknob ... and it clicked, quickly opening the door. The green-shirted woman blinked in confusion for a second.

Oh. The door's not locked.

She then frowned, and walked through the door, closing it behind her. If Chip was distracted enough to leave his door unlocked ... things were very bad indeed!


Inside Chip's apartment, seconds later ...

As it turned out ... Chip's door being unlocked; would be the very LEAST of Dommie's current worries!

"Chip?! What the hell?" the green-shirted woman cried in disbelief.

Having not seen her friend when she'd gone through the front door, Dommie had decided to search all of the rooms of the apartment. She eventually ended up finding Chip in his bedroom ... and a whole lot more!

The room itself was distinctly grubby, and the floor covered with empty pizza boxes and soda cans. The man had obviously been up all night dealing with his grief, in a not good way.

On Chip's bed, there was ... what can only be described as an ARMOURY there! A machete, a hunting rifle, and countless other weapons.

The aforementioned man looked wild-eyed, grim, and was drinking something out of a strange soda can. His friend frowned at the sight before her. Not good.

"What are you doing?" Dommie asked suspiciously, eying the bandolier on Chip's left shoulder. The bandolier was FULL of bullets! The fully-loaded rifle in his right hand was just as concerning!

"Are you drunk?"

"Even better, Dommie!" the man drawled, holding up the half-empty can to the woman's gaze. "I found this stuff called 'Punch' on the back shelf of the freezer; down at the 'Stop and xxxxx'! It's amazing!"

Chip then drained the can and threw it away, grinning maniacally.

"I feel like I can take on the world!" he declared, turning to the weapons on the bed. The green-shirted woman frowned at her friend, feeling very, very worried.

This was clearly more than grief ... this was clear and dangerous intent.

"Who are you going after, Chip?" Dommie demanded, folding her arms.

"Who do you think?!" the man said, without looking around. He then put down his rifle on the bed, picked up the other one, and began to load it.

"You need to stop and think about this!" the green-shirted woman insisted, putting a hand on Chip's shoulders. She had an uneasy suspicion about who his target was.

"That's all I've been thinking about, Dommie!" the aforementioned chap suddenly exploded, verbally. Chip whirled around and faced his friend with an expression of heartbreak, sorrow, and intense rage.

"They took her from me!" The man's voice quivered and shook with the force of his emotions. "Those darn weasels from Willy's took my Lexie, and I'm getting some revenge! Tonight!"

Chip then pushed roughly past Dommie, to the bedroom door, and through it.

"And nobody's stopping me!" he added, without turning around, to the following woman. The man then cocked and check the rifle he held, smirking slightly.

"I'm gonna blow that blasted doll and her daddy to pieces!" he drawled with relish. Chip's friend grimaced, feeling icy shivers go down her spine at the thought of the doll's 'daddy'. This WAS not good!

"Let's talk about this", Dommie pleaded ... but to no avail. The man had already opened the door, and was stepping out. The green-shirted woman then rolled her eyes, cursing herself for what she was about to do next.

"You know what?" The bold question made Chip swiftly halt in his tracks ... as well as the hurried footsteps back to his bedroom. He turned to see Dommie coming towards him with a grim smile, and the second rifle in her hands.

"Xxxxx! I'm in!" the green-shirted woman said decisively, smiling at her friend. The man seemed to perk up a bit, smile back, and then leaves the apartment ... with a big smirk.

Dommie, while following Chip; had a slightly more reserved expression. This had the potential to go horribly wrong ... she knew that.

But if Dommie was there with Chip, she could stop him from doing anything too reckless. Right? Plus ... the green-shirted woman could get some revenge for Lexie's death too!

Do you think that Chip and Dommie are being foolish? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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