Lethal Lullabies

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This is the fourth chapter of the triquel: Fiendish Friends! This part is spookier than the last, because it goes into more detail about the personalities of the twisted animatronic characters! Oh, and Eric Miller is not dead ... not yet! Poor guy has some way to go yet! 😬 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


As Eric fell, he could still hear Cammy's shrill, insane laughter echoing far above him.

"Flap your wings! You can do it!" the pink chameleon called after Eric encouragingly, mock-wincing at the loud crashing impact down in the garden.

"I liked him! He was fun!" she announced loudly, turning away from the window to face her colleagues.

"Let me see!" Gus demanded, striding towards Cammy and the window. The chameleon robot obligingly stepped aside, allowing the gorilla to lean out of the window and look down.

"I like it when they're fun!" Cammy giggled, clapping her hands a couple of times. "Did you see how good that guy was at flying? I think he flew about 12 feet!"

Gus abruptly let out a big snort of laughter at that!

"Yeah! 12 feet! From the window to the ground!" he stated scornfully, moving back away from the window. The animatronic gorilla then suddenly burst into fits of cruel giggles.

The pink chameleon quickly joined in, unable to resist the sadistic hilarity of it. Tito Turtle rolled his eyes at the puns, but chuckled gently all the same.

"Very funny, my friends, but remember our task! All of it!" he chided seriously. "We mustn't get distracted! Now, which way to the los niños room?"

The shell-backed robot's matter-of-fact attitude quickly sobered his comrades up, as they stopped laughing and looked around. Where WAS the kids' room ... that was a good point!

There were a lot of doors in the corridor that the killer machines were in! It could take a long time to look through them al—

"Daddy?" A high-pitched, slightly squeaky voice called loudly from two doors away, on the right. "Could you sing me a lullaby? Please? I can't sleep!"

Cammy, Gus, and Tito's heads instantly and quickly snapped around in that direction, menacing grins slowly growing on their faces.

"Can't sleep, eh?" Gus Gorilla repeated, chortling sinisterly and cracking his knuckles. "We can help with that, hehehe!" The robotic chameleon nodded eagerly, but then cleared her throat.

"Yep, we sure can ... but remember what the boss said, Gus!" she said, pointedly. "We have to be 'gentle' with these kids!"

Cammy then met Tito's gaze, and the turtle animatronic gave her a thankful nod. The pink lizard nodded back. Gus merely rolled his eyes, sighing deeply.

"Yeah, yeah, all right", the gorilla robot replied as he walked off towards the kids' revealed room. Tito Turtle then turned to his female colleague and made a deep bow to her, gesturing for her to go past him.

"Ladies first, Señorita Cammy", the blue turtle said charismatically. The aforementioned chameleon smirked as she quickly took the offer and walked daintily past Tito.

"Ever the gentleman, Tito! Will that ever change?" Cammy quipped. Her sombrero-wearing friend merely chuckled and shook his head.

"Nada", Tito replied. The turtle robot then took a deep breath and gripped his knife tightly. "Well, here I come, (kiddos)!" Tito Turtle then began to walk after his comrades.

"Duerme, pequeña ... duerme ya. O vendrá el Coco y te llevará", the blue reptile sang in a deep, rich, slightly purring voice. "Duerme, pequeña... duerme ya. O Coco vendrá y te comerá.


In the garden outside, just below the first floor corridor window, a minute later ...

"Ughhh ..." Eric Miller groaned, lifting his head up and looking around woozily with a dazed expression on his face. His whole body felt battered and bruised all over from the 'flying lesson' that Cammy Chameleon had given him just now.

It hurt so much that Eric could hardly believe that he was still alive ... and yet the man was; thanks to the thick bushes that had broken his fall. The demolition contractor's half-closed eyes suddenly widened in horror as he suddenly realised the gravity of the situation!

My kids! Jeff and Maggie! They're still in the house with those ... those THINGS!! I have to get them out now!

Eric Miller's eyebrows quickly furrowed in determination as he tried to push himself up, only to cry out in pain and fall down on the ground again!

The chap had forgotten about all of the shattered window glass that had fallen with him earlier ... which was currently littering the grassy ground around him.

Eric growled in annoyance at this new obstacle! How on earth was he supposed to get past all of that?!

The demolition contractor suddenly heard a quiet sound nearby; one that steadily grew louder and louder. The sound of large, muffled footsteps. Eric's look of mingled curiosity and apprehension turned to utter shock and terror when he saw who it was.

The towering form of Willy Weasel stepped slowly and grandly into view; the glass shards splintering beneath his clawed feet without harming him at all! Willimeena Weasel was now riding on her father's head, the weasel pup's forepaws between his ears.

"Hehehe, quite a fall you took just now", Willy quipped with dark amusement as he grinned evilly at his unfortunate victim. "Taking flying lessons, are you?" the animatronic weasel asked rhetorically, as he walked towards the injured man.

Eric Miller though was not in the mind to answer questions at the present time ... rather more in the mind of ASKING questions!

This is the translation for the lullaby that Tito was singing in this chapter:

Sleep, little one ... sleep already. Or the Coco will come and take you away. Sleep, little one ... sleep already. Or the Coco will come and eat you up.

It's a variation of an old Spanish lullaby ... and a very spooky one at that! Would any of you viewers go to sleep if you heard that in your home? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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