Play at Your Peril

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This is the twenty-third chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends!

Willimeena's warning was clear and urgent ... but it's not certain whether or not people will listen to it.

Willy's crew are usually never far behind their big weasel leader ... and HE never does anything without a plan!

A plan that leaves carnage in its wake for all except him, his daughter, and his crew ... I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Back in the main gym, Hayesville Senior High, 1 min later ...

Unfortunately for Willy's kitten, the players and crowd didn't fully register the gravity of their current situation!

"Is this some kind of practical joke?" the coach said angrily as he glared at Willy Weasel.

"What the xxxxx are you supposed to be?" a fluffy-haired, male player said, grimacing noticeably.

The big weasel turned ominously towards the aforementioned player, clearly not liking his tone.

Willy then moved the ball to just one paw, and clenched it hard as he focused on that player.

The animatronic leader hadn't done this since he was a boy, but he still remembered the basics!


The ball struck the player VERY hard, thrown by the smiling Willy Weasel ... slaying him on impact.

The other players all gasped in horror and dodged as the dead body of their teammate was knocked to the floor at their feet.

The animatronic weasel was abruptly distracted from basking in the audience's equal horror and shock; by a finger prodding hard on his back.

Willy spun around with a hiss and a snarl, his ears pinned back as he scowled at the culprit (the coach).

"Get off the court, this insta—" The coach's angry shouting was cut off permanently as the weasel robot slashed at him with the serrated claws on one paw.

"He xxxxxxxx the ref!" sobbed one very traumatised player as he stumbled away from the malicious mascot. The audience wasn't any less distressed either!

"Can you believe this xxxxx?" a heavyset, middle-aged man in the audience complained.

He also had dark hair, handlebar moustache, blue shirt on, and was looking pretty freaked out.

"Where's security ... Oh my god!" The aforementioned chap's protests suddenly rose to a strangled shriek!

A huge, menacing, green, animatronic gorilla had suddenly risen up behind the person next to him, and had grabbed that guy's head tightly.

"Holy xxxxx!" the victim's brother cried in shock, as he scrambled away from the horrific scene!

"Hey! Quiet down! I'm trying to watch the game!" the robotic ape growled in annoyance.

Gus held the struggling man's head in his grip with ease ... before quickly finishing the job with a single twist.

The gorilla animatronic laughed a deep, ominous laugh as he threw the body hard enough to knock the brother to the ground.

That ... turned out to be the final straw, as all sense of order instantly collapsed in chaos!

People all over the gym panicked and stampeded for the exit; often crashing into each other and falling to the ground.

This, unfortunately, made it tragically easier for Willy and his gang ... as the rest of them now appeared on the scene.

Two particular girl cheerleaders in gold-red-white outfits, with pom-poms; were being chased by a knife-wielding Siren Sara.

"Run!" yelled one of the cheerleaders; a crying, ginger-haired girl with freckles and yellow pom poms.

"She's xxxxx psycho!" the other cheerleader; a girl with black hair and yellow pom poms ... agreed.

The blue fairy robot just cackled insanely as she kept up the pursuits, her knife glinting in the light.

"Hit them high! Hit them low! Come on, let the xxxxx flow!" Sara carolled after her prey, laughing even more.

A group of a dozen people then tried to make a break for the back door in the upper right corner of the gym.

Among them, were an older woman with long brown hair in a purple shirt, and a scrawny, black-haired young man in a green shirt.

"Get out of the way!" the woman yelled, trying to push said man out of her way.

"Move it, xxxxx!" he retorted back, just as a gigantic figure suddenly loomed into view ahead. One with golden armour and a simply gigantic sword!

Seeing this, the man in the green shirt swiftly shoved a few people on his left ... right into Knighty Knight's path.

Their cries of alarm were swiftly stopped as the aforementioned animatronic impaled all three with his sword in one swing.

Knighty then swung his sword the other way, knocking all of the other people to the ground.

This knockdown included the purple-shirted woman and the green-shirted man.

"Stop yelling! I hate all the yelling!" Cammy Chameleon shouted at the fleeing crowd around her, feeling very annoyed.

Somehow, the irony of that very statement was ironically lost on the irate lizard robot.

"Ohhh. I hope that the kids like me this year", she suddenly said in a pleasant, calm voice.

This didn't last long however ... as Cammy's eyes suddenly narrowed in anger again as two terrified people crashed into her!

A young blonde woman in a red and white sports-team shirt, and a young, brown-haired man in a blue shirt.

It was completely unintentional ... but that didn't matter to Cammy.

Hissing in wrath, the animatronic chameleon twisted around and caught both of them with her gloved hands.

The woman: by her neck ... and the man: by his head.

"Bunch of xxxxx jerks!" Cammy snarled as she threw the duo to the floor, and stomped on them viciously.


In the security office, Parson's Gym, seconds later ...

Willimeena Weasel sighed and grimaced as she watched the chaos below from a nearby big window.

The milkshake cup (now completely licked clean) lay on the desk behind her.

The weasel pup was not really fond of the kind of chaos that caused mass carnage, to tell the truth.

Her recent little loss of temper back at the restaurant had been generally limited to the main hall.

Also, she'd just been throwing furniture like tables and chairs at Tex ... which he'd totally deserved by the way!

That arcade machine had just been a spontaneous idea ... and Willimeena had never ACTUALLY thrown it!

Her father and adopted uncles and aunts seemed to be enjoying themselves though.

She appreciated that Willy always allowed her to warn people before he and the others went on the attack.

"It levels the playing field ... makes it more fair", the weasel doll's dad would say, while grinning crookedly at her.

It did seem fair ... Willimeena supposed.

What do you think of the further attacks on the game? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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