Ostracised Ostrich - Part 2

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This is the second part of eleventh chapter of the triquel; Fiendish Friends! This chapter is made up of readers' introduction to Ozzie in the asylum ... in the past.

Cap'n and Donnie thinks that Ozzie is an easy victim like others in the past, but they'll get a very nasty surprise!

After all, Ozzie didn't get an infamous nickname like 'The Midnight Strangler' for nothing! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


He cackled as Cap'n kicked savagely at the young man, sending Ozzie sprawling on his face.

"That chap got choked out by his own mommy as a kid, voice was turned to an old frog's croak!" Donnie quipped.

"And that's on good days, so I heard! On bad ones, he sounds like a corncrake with a cold!" he continued.

The two thugs burst into cruel giggles at the very thought, ignoring the look of uttermost fury on Ozzie's face as he raised himself up again.

Bringing up the abusive woman the tallest guy formerly called his mother was bad enough ... but mocking his VOICE?!!!

"They think he's good for over twenty dead co-eds!" Donnie continued, mock-whispering dramatically. As if such a thing was a great achievement ... which only made Ozzie even angrier.

The two thugs were so occupied with having their 'fun', that they didn't notice their victim slowly drawing a slender knife out of one of his pockets.

"Boy! Oh, boy! We got us a regular celebrity, Donnie!" Cap'n crowed in excitement, unaware of Ozzie gripping his secret knife tightly in his right fist.

"Too bad we can't film this, cap'n; it would be all over the Internet!"

Suddenly, the scowling skinny man twisted around, slamming his right elbow into Capn's face.

"Hey now!" the aforementioned thug yelled, caught off-guard and knocked back by the blow. A startled Donnie quickly put his hands up in an effort to try to defuse the situation.

"Easy, now. Easy", he pleaded, eying Ozzie's knife warily. His and Cap'n's victims rarely fought back, but when they did ... it was best to try a 'charm offensive'.

That worked ... well, usually it did.

"We were just having some - XXXXX!" Donnie's words died away in an anguished scream as Ozzie slashed at him, grievously wounding the other man.

Donnie quickly crumpled to the ground, as the skinny, angry man took a few deep breaths.

Ozzie REALLY was in no mood to hand out 'mercy' to anyone at the moment ... especially these two idiots who'd dared to mock and bully him!

They'd quickly learn the cost of treating the 'Midnight Strangler' like that! Turning away from the whimpering Donnie, the now grinning Ozzie walked over to where Cap'n was lying.

"Hold on! Hold on!" the aforementioned thug spluttered as the skinnier man bent down over him. Cap'n then gasped for breath as Ozzie wrapped both hands around his throat and started to choke him.

"Old cap'n was just having some fun. We can work something out, for sure?" the thug desperately begged the merciless maniac above him.

Ozzie, of course, took no notice at all ... but someone else did. Multiple people actually. Fortunately, for Donnie and Cap'n; the scuffle and cries had been heard by others!

Several orderlies rushing into the library ... only needed one look at the situation before they sprang into action!

"Holy xxxxx! What a xxxxx!" one staffer cursed as he helped another to drag Ozzie off his latest victim. It wasn't easy though!

The skinny man was as wiry as a ferret, and just as relentless! He snarled as his knife was twisted out of his grip and he was dragged away by two of the orderlies.

Ozzie hated being interrupted, but he knew better to than to outright fight the staff. The taser sticks hanging from their belts were very visible after all!

"Throw him in isolation and somebody call a darn doctor!" a third staffer ordered the two dragging the skinny perpetrator out of the library.

He and others then turned to check the wounded guys on the floor.


In the asylum's isolation room, half an hour later ...

A tied-up, straitjacketed Ozzie sat moodily in the asylum's padded 'isolation room'.

He thought that it was very fair that he was stuck in this stuffy, padded bolt hole, while those morons he punished got let off lightly.

The skinny man sighed deeply as he leaned back against the wall. He'd probably be here for a couple of hours, but that would depend heavily on the orderlies' mood.

If they were seriously mad, Ozzie might be in here for longer ... maybe four hours?!

The aforementioned man scowled deeply, before lifting his head at the sound of a key turning the room's door lock. He frowned in puzzlement.

Already? Seems a bit strange?

Ozzie was even more confused and surprised to see a total stranger open the door and enter the room.

He was a tall, well-built, smiling middle-aged man with grey hair, moustache, and the same kind of outfit that all the inmates wore.

Except his was bright orange.

"Hello, Ozzie, is it?" the strange guy asked in a deep, charismatic voice. "It looks like somebody could use a new friend."

His voice sounded similar to a jaguar's purr. Smooth, attention-catching ... and INCREDIBLY dangerous!

The skinny man wasn't a fool though, not by a long shot! Ozzie knew that quite often appearances AND voices could be deceiving!

Unlike those morons Cap'n and Donnie earlier, the skinny man could tell that this stranger was REALLY someone to fear!

Dangerous on a whole other level! He HAD actually heard of an inmate wearing orange being thrown in here for 'crimes against humanity' ...

Don't know if it's this guy though?

Ozzie resorted to just staring at the stranger with suspicious eyes and a questioning gaze.

Jerry Willis just returned the gaze with a lazy, toothy smirk. The smirk of a predator used to winning all the time!

Do you think that Ozzie is a tragic villain? What do you guys think? Just curious? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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