Busted by Broken Mirror

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This is the third chapter of the triquel: Fiendish Friends! This is where the nightmare fuel REALLY gets going! Poor Eric Miller and co, they're going to have a pretty hard time! 😬 Warning: things will be more than a smidge dark! 😬 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Back in the house, in the nearby bathroom, 5 minutes later ...

"Tomorrow's going to be a long day, honey", a smiling Eric Miller said, leaning against the bathroom's doorframe, and smiling at his wife. He was also doing up the top buttons on his shirt with his fingers.

The aforementioned woman was busy cleaning her teeth in front of the bathroom mirror, but she managed to shoot him a fond look with a roll of her eyes.

The Miller family's upper bathroom was of an average variety: water-coloured walls, filled with the usual amenities, and large enough for a family with kids. As both were in the middle of their bedtime preparations, Eric and Rosie Miller were both dressed in thick pyjamas.

Eric had lilac-coloured ones, while Rosie had dark pink. The aforementioned man suddenly yawned and stretched out his arms.

"I think that I'm turning in", Eric murmured to his wife, who was still cleaning her teeth.

"O'day!" mumbled his wife through a mouthful of toothpaste. "Gdnay!"

A second later, an enormous, plastic gorilla fist suddenly smashed its way clean through the bathroom mirror ... and the wall behind it too! The fist itself looked to be as big as each of their heads!

"Aw, ma gawd!" Rosie Miller cried out in shock, eyes widening at the sight as she stopped scrubbing her teeth. Eric was equally shocked and stunned by the incident, taking a step back.

The demolition contractor's eyes widened as he saw the huge fist now reaching for his wife, who was still standing in front of the broken mirror.

"ROSIE!" Eric screamed in horror as the fist grabbed his wife's hair and pulled her head forward mightily. A struggling Rosie was slammed onto the jagged shards of the broken mirror with vicious force!

The poor man screamed again, this time in anguish; as his wife then went limp and collapsed forward into the sink in front of her.


The fist then went back through the hole it'd made just now; revealing the culprit! It was the Gus Gorilla robot from Willy's Wonderland; but completely unlike his normal self!

"What? No kiss goodnight?" mocked the mechanical ape through the hole, laughing evilly. Gus then put both of his fists at the sides of the hole and heaved with all of his strength.

Hearing the groans and splintering sounds as the animatronic gorilla slowly forced his body through the now rapidly widening hole was way too much for Eric!

The now widowed chap quickly backed out of the bathroom in terror, eyes streaming with tears.


The upper floor corridor, between the bedrooms of the house, seconds later ...

"Look out!" Eric Miller cried, his gaze still fixed on Gus Gorilla. A stray logical thought among all of the panicked ones in the man's mind was not sure whether the words were addressed to himself or his hopefully sleeping kids, not far away.

"Oh, es un poco tarde para eso (Oh, it's a bit too late for that)!" a deep, melodious voice with a Spanish accent said in amusement, on his immediate left.

The demolition contractor immediately turned to face the speaker, and gasped in shock and terror. It was the Tito Turtle animatronic; but like Gus ... he was not the same as before.

One of Tito's eyes was now slightly smaller than the other. Coupled with his cheerful grin; it gave the turtle robot a slightly insane look.

He was also holding a very sharp knife lightly in his right paw.

"Buenos noches, Señor Miller", Tito Turtle drawled, idly turning to block Eric's path past him. The aforementioned chap could only whimper and stammer inaudibly as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

It has to be a nightmare! Yes, it's just a nightmare, just a bad dream!! There's no way these machines can talk in reality, no way that they're ali—

"What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost?" the animatronic turtle suddenly interrupted Eric's train of thought. Tito deliberately smirked evilly as he relished the Miller patriarch's growing panic.

"Oh, la deliciosa ironía (Oh, the delicious irony)!" the turtle whispered. The demolition contractor's whole body started shaking as Tito began to approach him, cackling in a not-so-nice way.

Eric Miller's feet almost blurred as he backed away from the terrifying, mechanical turtle with all speed! The man grunted with surprise and some pain as he banged into something or someone standing behind him.

The impact felt pretty hard ... like plastic ...

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" squealed a soft, girlish, friendly voice. Eric frowned. Something seemed wrong with it though ... a bit too friendly?

"Totally my fault!"

The next second, the aforementioned chap was almost knocked flat by a vicious hard blow on his back from the direction of the girlish voice! Yelping pain from the impact, Eric Miller turned around and saw ... a grinning, giggling pink lizard in petticoats. Cammy the Chameleon.

Not more of these frigging freaks?! the demolition contractor swore silently in his head as he whirled around and tried to run past Cammy. The robotic chameleon's expression seemed to instantly turn sour with anger at the realisation that her prey was trying to escape!

"Xxxxxxxx! Come back here!" Cammy screeched, also whirling around, and giving immediate chase. Tito Turtle just idly leaned against the left wall, and watched the chase with sadistic amusement.

Gus Gorilla (who'd completely climbed through the hole he'd made earlier) copied the turtle's posture, but behind him ... and watched too. To his credit, Eric managed to evade Cammy Chameleon for 5 minutes; the animatronic lizard spewing fouler and fouler insults as time passed!

But it couldn't last forever ...

A double-fisted blow on Eric's back, right in the same spot as the last blow; finally brought the man crashing down to the ground. He landed on the floor with a loud thump, cried out in pain ... and then immediately tried to get up again!

But unfortunately Eric Miller felt both of Cammy's gloved hands seize the scruff of his shirt tightly as soon as he tried. The demolition contractor thrashed around like a caught wild rabbit as the animatronic chameleon hoisted him off the ground, tears still staining his cheeks.

But there was no hope of escaping now ... and Cammy's now returned gleeful smirk only confirmed it.

"We can be the bestest friends!" the villainous lizard cheered, her insane smile widening as she began to walk over to the nearby window. "Let's play a game!"

Eric twisted his head around to see what the mad machine was doing next ... and his face whitened as he realised.

"Put me down!" the man demanded in a panic, struggling more against Cammy's grip as they finally reached the window. The chameleon robot merely rolled her eyes at the futile effort.

She then let go of Eric Miller to raise one hand to the window, then paused, and just swiftly threw him out with the other! Without even opening the window!

The demolition contractor screamed a long bloodcurdling scream as he and pieces of broken glass and window frame plummeted towards the ground below.

What do you think of the spine-chillers so far? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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