Chapter 3

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The sadness flowed through my veins and deadened my mind. It was a poison to my spirit, dulling and killing my emotions until it was the only one that remained. It was as if a black mist had settled upon me and refused to shift and no matter how bright the day was I would feel no sun and hear no bird sing. For the world is lost to me and I know of nothing that would bring it back. My life has gone through hell my father hates me, sometimes i ask myself "is these really my father or a demon"? Because i mean nothing to him, he never wants my happiness. He hits me anytime he feels like and say awful things to me to make me sad and depress, i don't know how i was able to bear all the pains and suffering all these years. I had everything a princess would want but am not happy I prefer being a farmer's daughter than being a princess.

My mum died in the process of bringing me to these wicked world, that really broke my spirit she left me all alone to suffer in this miserable world, I felt lonely with out her the thought of her hurts a lot and burn my heart like a fire, leaving me to cry all every single moment. How i wish i was never brought to these world. I've always persuaded my nanny to tell me all she has known about my mum but the fear in her eyes made me to stop asking, i don't want the poor old woman to die quickly before her time. I know very soon i would figure out what really happen to my mother but first i have to escape even though it would cost me my life.

I was brought back to reality when i had a knock on my door.

"Come in." i said without caring who entered the room, my mind was far away I have always wanted my father to love and adore me as his daughter but I know that day would never come.

"Am sorry princess sarah for disturbing. Your father sent for you he awaits you in his study," she replied.

I murmur under my breath. knowing these won't be a good thing. "What are you still doing here, get out now." i shouted harshly to the maid. I don't know what he really wants from me this time and that scares me.

The sound of my feet echoed on the hard marble floor. I walked to the second floor which was leading to his study, i kept walking some maid gave me a cold stare, i don't really care i know I've been rude to them but they deserves it for adding more pain to my problems.

I stop at the large oak door. I became scared, all of sudden i became afraid my palms were wet, i took a deep breath to settle my pounding heart and aching head, after some seconds i walked in confidently.

The study was large the walls were creamy brown with some odd painting i don't really understand. They were huge fire on the walls beside the windows, There he was the great king marcus seating on his large chair he was serious with whatever he was doing his face look stressful, i felt little pity for him but this man don't deserve any pity from me or from anyone .

"Seat" he said with authority. I did as he said. "Now you have to listen carefully to what i have to say" he commanded. His brown hair fell parfectly on his face, his dark brown eyes was staring deep down my soul it's kind of creepy.

I moved uncomfortable on my chair, i could see a smile forming at the cornner of his lips i knew he was doing these on purpose to scare me.

I nodded my head unable to speak. He continued.

"I'm getting bored of you living in these castle without doing anything good for these kingdom, I wanted you out of here because you are not that useful to me, but you will stay and do want ever i order you to do because am not that heartless to banish you," he said rudely. with out looking at me, he was still reading the document on his large desk.

I was totally shocked. i felt my heart was rip out of my chest the his words brought much pain that I couldn't bear, I don't know if am  able to go on again, but i refuse to show how his words affected me so much.

"So what should i do to please you? Your highness."i said bitterly. Playing with my fingers i do that when am nervous or sad, this man seating in front of me made me feel useless, "this can not be my father", I whispered to myself.

"The young prince of Eadred has agreed to unite our kingdom together only through marriage, i agreed to that, he will be coming very soon", he replied without any sign of emotion.

I stood up angrily "No papa. I won't marry that selfish and heartless man he is evil, he has done so many evil things to his people i would not marry him never". I could not control the anger inside me any more, i cant even believe i replied to him harshly but he has no control of my life, he can do what ever he wants but he can't force me to marry against my wish.

"Young lady. You won't object what ever i say, you will marry the prince and do what ever he asked you to do" he bellowed savagely.

"And if i don't," i challenged back.

He smiled evily. You know what am cable of doing to you,he glared at me with hatred.

I tense up at the coldness of his voice.

"Why? Why do you hate me so much?" i whisper softly. i fought back the tears that were starting to form at the corner of my eyes. I won't show any weekness to him, he enjoys seeing me suffering but i won't give him that pleasure.

"Enough." he roared angrily. You are just worthless and useless like your mother, now get out." you could see the anger in his eyes.

I tried to replied back but i was speechless and weak. i walked out feeling humilated, i felt my world crashing, i couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I ran outside, the cold wind makes me shiver.

How could he do these to me,he has no right to control my life, i hate him for all the

pains he caused me. i ran until i was out of breath, i collapes on the floor, i don't care were i am, i don't care about any thing now,i was in pains, i buried my head in between my kneels, i cried until my vision became blur i felt a hand on my shoulder, i jump up in fear, i was shock to see the most beautiful gray eyes staring at me with compassion that was all i saw before falling into total darkness.

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