Chapter 13

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The woman beckons her closer, a small smile on her face, but Abayomi doesn't move. The woman sighs.

"I'm no danger to you child. Stranger I may be, and stranger still my actions are, that I know. But I will not harm you."


Abayomi still hangs back, her grip tightening on the bag. The woman narrows her eyes, a shadow passing over her face. It makes her image flicker, until Abayomi is seeing someone else standing there. Well, two people, overlapping each other and the woman's form. An ancient priest, and a taller man, with blue-black skin. He's wearing a double-plumed headdress and holding something in each hand, but she can't focus on him enough to figure out the details.

"Abayomi Nahr, listen."

She has to stop herself from jumping when they speak, all three of the people standing in one body. She can hear three voices, one male, one female, and one that just makes her think of power. She tries to step back, away from the confusion and chaos of whatever is before her, but she finds herself to be rooted in place.

When the two overlaying images fade to leave only the woman standing before her, Abayomi can't help but let loose a breath. All the air whooshes out of her lungs and comes back in a rush that leaves her head tingling from the momentary absence of oxygen. The woman beckons to her again, and this time Abayomi steps forward, too shocked by what just happened to be stubborn. The smile on the woman's face grows, and she pushes something along the counter towards Abayomi.

"Will you listen to me now, child?"

Abayomi nods and when she speaks, her voice is quiet, still recovering from the shock. "Yes."

"Good. Last time you were here, I told you I had something that would satisfy your ka."

"I remember."

"This time, I need you to take it." She pushes the thin box closer and Abayomi leans back from it.


"It's important."


"For reasons you won't yet understand!" She flickers again, the priest appearing for a heartbeat, his eyes cautioning Abayomi. When he fades, the woman takes a deep breath and continues. "But you will soon. I know you don't trust me, but you must take it."

The box is nudged forward again and with a huff, Abayomi pulls it closer to her, lifting up the lid. A necklace in one of the collar styles that were so common in ancient Egypt is sitting inside, atop a layer of dark cushioning. It's shaped like spread wings, paler blue glass beads nestled between gold threads and beads where the wings would be attached to the body.

The blue crosses through green into a lapis blue at the wingtips, with gray beading at the tops of the wings. A lapis stone, patterned like a scarab, sits as the body of the bird, with a ruby-like stone at the head and teardrop stone that might be aquamarine at the tail. Abayomi looks up from the box, a mixture of awe at the collar and irritation at the woman playing across her face.

"Why do I need a necklace?!"

But no one is behind the table, or even in sight. Abayomi shivers and closes the box, making sure it is latched shut before she tucks it into her bag. Then with another look around her, at all the empty stalls, Abayomi hurries away from the dark market. Away from the echoes of an ancient market that once stood here.

She slows when she reaches the main market, trying not to draw too much attention to herself as she rejoins the crowds of people. A few people look at her as she hurries by them, concerned at the gray paleness of her face, but she brushes them off. All of them except for one woman, who grabs hold of Abayomi's arm and pulls her out of the market.

Abayomi tries to struggle free, but the woman doesn't let go until they are in a semi-private street, away from the market but still in sight of anyone who might be passing by. Abayomi jerks free and tries to back away from the woman, but she holds up a hand.

"Wait. I'm not going to hurt you. It's just, you didn't look well, and you were on your own. I was worried."

"I'm fine." Abayomi pauses and softens the tone of her voice. "But thank you for your concern."

"What happened to you?"

"There was just someone acting really weirdly, they freaked me out."

"But you're fine now?"

"Yes, I'm just heading home." It's not exactly a lie, the hotel is home while she's staying here.

"Would you like me to walk with you?"

"No, thank you. It isn't far."

The woman nods and steps back. Abayomi hurries away, feeling the weight of the woman's gaze on her until she's out of sight. When she reaches their hotel room, she practically collapses onto the bed, only managing to remove her hijab before she flops down. When she went to the market to get a nai, she wasn't expecting this chaos.


Abayomi I'm sorry markets are mean to you. It was necessary for the plot. 

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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