Chapter 46

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Abayomi is woken by two people grabbing onto her arms and lifting her up. She struggles, twisting to free herself, but the hands only tighten. They dig into where she was grabbed the day before and she winces. Yup, there are definitely bruises there, and she's sure that they'll be getting worse. She twists to look at one of the guards.

"Will you let go of me if I promise to not try to run away from you?" The guards stop, and the one she spoke to looks at her for a long moment. She frowns at him. "Come on, I've literally just been woken up, and my arms are bruised. What am I going to do if I run? You would just catch me."

After another moment, the guard lets her go, his companion following suit. Abayomi rubs her arms, trying to soothe the soreness. The first guard frowns at her.

"Do not flee."

"I won't. And thank you for releasing me."


She follows them down the hallway, the first guard leading the way. The second stays close to her, so close that he's almost touching her. But he's not, so she'll take it as a win, since no one else seems to have respected her desire to not be touched. A few servants pass them in the halls and give them strange looks, quickly glancing away when they catch Abayomi's eyes.

She has a feeling that they think she is Anippe, which she's not, but if it'll keep them from bothering her . . . It's not like she has a reason to tell them otherwise anyways, she might even be mistaken on what they're thinking. Besides, she doesn't want to try and correct them only to get accused of mind reading, that wouldn't help with Prince Amenhotep being so persistent about her 'controlling Anippe'.

The guards slow after a while, the leading guard moving close to her. She doesn't know why, until a moment later they turn the corner and Abayomi sees Prince Amenhotep and Imenand waiting for them. The prince frowns at the guards.

"You should be holding onto her."

Theleading guard bows. "My lord, she swore to not run, and she has been much more agreeable after releasing her."

Abayomi scoffs. "Of course I was! I don't like it when men touch me, and I am also bruised! You can see it through my clothing!"

You can, actually, there are dark splotches beneath the pale fabric. If not for their shape, Abayomi would have worried that they were just dirt, she did sleep on the stone floor after all. Who knows when that was last cleaned. But considering that the marks are in the shape of handprints, she is quite certain that it's the bruises that she sees.

The prince sighs. "Keep an eye on her. I wouldn't put it past the girl to try and escape."

"We understand, my lord."

The prince nods and turns to another guard beside him. "Is my niece on her way?"

"She is being brought here, my lord. She was fighting a bit, I believe to go and see this one. But her escorts should have her on the way by now."


Despite the direness of the situation, Abayomi can't help but be touched that Anippe would still be fighting to help her, a girl she's only known for a few weeks. And based on the sounds coming from the hallway behind Imenand, she has a feeling that the princess is still fighting.

"You will take me to see her, do you understand! Not wherever else you are taking me!"

When she comes into view, Prince Amenhotep turns to look at Anippe. "Niece, you will behave yourself! This is not behavior befitting someone of your status!"

"I will behave myself once I see that my handmaiden is alright!"

"Then look!" He points at Abayomi, still sandwiched between two guards.

Anippe tries to rush forward, only to be blocked by the guards escorting her. "Abayomi, are you alright?"

"Bruised, but I'm fine."

Anippe snaps at one of the guards. "Let me pass!"

Her uncle responds, "You will not get any closer to her than you are at this moment. Now compose yourself, it is time for the trial. Pharaoh is waiting."

As he says those words, the double doors behind him begin to swing inwards. At the urging of the guards flanking her, Abayomi nervously steps inside. There is a dais at the far end of the room, a throne seated upon it. An older man is seated there, his gaze sharp. Pharaoh Amenhotep III, presumably.

Abayomi sucks in a breath. Circumstances aside, she's awed to see such a well-known figure from history in the flesh. At the urging from some ingrained instinct or knowledge, she bows deeply towards him. The others follow suit, though Anippe and her uncle do so a bit more shallowly. They're family, after all.


Hey, sorry I didn't update during the week. This semester of school is going to be rougher than I thought, by any indication(looking at you physics, making me cry on the second day of class). Because of that, I'm going to be switching to chapters on the weekends, at least until the end of Egyptian Timewave. Don't know what I'll do once it's done, if I do the same with American Paradox or wait until I can break through the writer's block and finish it. I'm guessing I'll probably take a break. But until then, you'll get weekend chapters.

I hope you liked this chapter, do tell me what you thought of it!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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