Chapter 26

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Meyre nods to the guards standing outside the prince's door. As one returns the gesture, the other turns to rap on the door.

"My lord. Priest here to see you."

"Let him in."

In a synchronous motion, the guards push open the door to Amenhotep's chambers. The prince is standing inside, torchlight-wreathed back to the door. Meyre bows anyway.

"My lord prince. There is a matter I must bring to your attention."

Amenhotep turns. "What is it, Meyre?"

"My lord, we have sensed something amiss with Aten, His messages to us grow harder to see every day."

"And are there any clues to the cause?"

"We have reason to believe that this may be due to the influence of the Snake, possibly acting through someone within the palace. If anyone shows signs of corruption, it would be a good place to start."

"And why have you come to me with this, priest?"

For a brief moment, Meryre almost wishes he hadn't come, but one look in the prince's dark eyes burns away any hesitation. "You have always been connected with Aten, my lord. He has always spoken to you and through you, so you would have a great desire to protect him from the snake."

Amenhotep nods thoughtfully, the torchlight curling around his neck at the motion. "Yes, I can understand that. What assistance would you ask of me to provide, priest?"

"I would request the assistance of your personal guards with finding the corruption within the court."

"Granted. How many would you need?"

"If they are devoted to this task, perhaps three. If they must be distracted by other duties as well, then I would ask for five."

"You may have three. I shall send them to you at the temple after the morning meal, if you are amenable to that."

"Yes my lord. Thank you for your aid."

Amenhotep inclines his head. "All I ask in return is that you return once you find anything."

Meryre bows. "Yes my lord prince, I will do so."

With a nod and a smile crooking the corners of his lips, Amenhotep flicks his fingers in a dismissal. Meryre bows once more and turns from the room, his thoughts buzzing, searching through his memories for any hints to the corruption.


Hmmm, what do you think of Amenhotep's involvement? What guards will be chosen? WHat 'hints' do you think Meryre might be thinking of? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of fate, signing out

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