Chapter 27

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Amenhotep paces in front of the three guards, his gaze flicking to each face as he passes the guard by.

"In addition to reporting to the priest, you will report to me of each thing you discover. Is that understood?"

A chorus of "Yes, my lord." echoes back at him.

"Good. You may go. Imenand, stay behind for a moment." The young guard bows as his colleagues retreat from the room. "Imenand, do you understand why I have asked you to remain behind?"

The guard shifts nervously. "No, my lord. I do not."

"I have two reasons. First of all, you are young, and new to your position. Still, I believe you show promise and I have found you to be vigilant with your duties and analytical of all that takes place around you. I believe that you will be of great assistance to this task. I trust that you won't let me down."

Imenand tries to maintain composure, but a small smile spreads across his face. "Thank you, my lord."

Amenhotep raises a hand. "In addition, you have come to me with some concerns about my niece's new servant, despite how trivial they may truly be. As we are looking for signs of corruption within the court, we cannot be too vigilant, and so I ask that you keep an especially close eye on her."

Imenand claps a fist to his heart, bowing. "Yes my lord prince." He pauses. "My lord, there is one thing-"

Amenhotep's eyebrow quirks. "And what would that be?"

"The princess' new servant, I spotted her spying on the priests, and following that she vanished into thin air before I could catch her when by all rights, she should have been caught. I have no evidence of course, and she is a noble, even if only a lesser one. Without evidence, there is nothing I can do, my lord."

"But you do find her to be suspicious."

"Yes, lord prince."

"Then as long as you keep a close eye on her, I am sure that the truth will soon be revealed."

"Yes my lord. Thank you for believing me."

"You're the one who initially brought her oddities to my attention, Imenand. Things are already stacking up against her. Soon, the stack will inevitably fall and reveal the girl for what she is. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Imenand bows and exits the room. Once the doors have closed behind him, Amenhotep lets his shoulders relaxed slightly and he moves to lean his weight against a nearby chest for a moment, arms bracing himself. Anippe had promised him she was safe, and now her own servant is partaking in suspicious behavior.

He should have listened more closely to the hawk's signs to him after the girl's arrival. Perhaps if he had, then neither His Lord Aten nor Anippe would be in harm's way. He pushes himself up with a sigh, lifting up the chest's lid to retrieve a bowl and a short stuck of incense. It only takes him a few moments to light it and step back. Amenhotep bows towards the bowl.

"My Lord Aten, if this girl is the one corrupting you, I swear to remove her influence from this court. If she is not, I beg of you to direct me towards the true danger." The smoke curls around his body like fingers, curling around his left wrist. He nods. "I understand, My Lord Aten. The girl is the key."

He turns, letting the incense smoke continue swirling in the air as it burns, and sweeps from the room. Perhaps he can alert Anippe to the danger, if he moves swiftly. Behind him, the smoke curves and coils around a disk of light, around where the sun peaks into the room through the window. The light hazes, made murky by the smoke slowly filling the room.


Hmm, what do you think of the questions Amenhotep had for Lord Aten? What did you think of the response? What do you think of what the prince asked of Imenand? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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