Chapter 28

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When they reach the temple, it is far busier than it was the last time they were her. A few of the priests nod to them, or give similar gestures of respect, but some of them are so busy that they don't even give the two girls a glance. It takes a few minutes for them to find Kahotep, and when they do he is tucked into a back room, pouring over a number of scrolls. He looks up at their approach, blinking blearily.

"My lady. Abayomi. What brings you here today? I'm still working on the scroll."

Abayomi smiles slightly. "We can see that. Have you made any progress?"

"I have. Through my research, I have confirmed that the means that brought you here do allow you to return to your own time. The matter is just finding out how that may done, along with why you were brought at all. Have either of you made any progress?"

Anippe nibbles on her lip. "We're not entirely sure, but it's a possibility. Abayomi, would you share what you discovered?"

Abayomi shifts nervously, twisting her fingers. "A hawk led me to where I overheard a conversation held in a corridor, just after the sun had risen. They were talking about something being wrong with Aten."

Kahotep frowns deeply. "Elaborate."

"They were saying that his messages were growing murky, and they thought it was due to the influence of another."

"Hmmm, did they think it was Set?"

She quickly shakes her head. "They thought he was too benign, too small for this."

"Then who-" Kahotep freezes. "Don't tell me."

"Yeah . . ."

"They think it was the Snake?"

"That is what they said, yes."

Kahotep sighs. "I must check this. Would the both of you step outside for a moment while I attempt to commune with the Gods?"

Anippe nods, stepping back towards the door. She reaches out to grab Abayomi, pulling her back too. "Yes, of course. Take as long as you need, just tell us when you're done."

While they wait, the two girls wander around the temple. Anippe shows Abayomi around a few of the gardens, taking a moment to sit in one and just bask in the sunshine. It makes the rich brown of her skin glow, in a way that seems far healthier than it does on Abayomi herself, though their skin is almost the same shade.

You'd have thought the person who has access to sunscreen would have healthier skin, but it doesn't look that way in this light. A papyrus plant brushes against Abayomi's arm and she jumps, having thought it was a person for a moment. She laughs at herself when she finds it to only be a plant, flicking it away from herself.

Across the way, on the other side of the plant, two priests are talking in hushed voices, a variety of expressions flicking across their faces. Abayomi squints at them, struck by a sense of familiarity. Where does she know them from? Could they be resembling someone from her own time? She quickly shakes her head at that. No, that's not it at all. A shadow flickers across the wall, one of a bird wheeling high above.

In that instant, Abayomi knows where she recognizes the two priests from. They're the ones she had eavesdropped on. What could they be discussing now? She stands, as if to move closer, but she is stopped by a call from behind them. It's Kahotep, summoning them back. Abayomi glances back at the priests again, but she still follows Anippe back towards Kahotep. He smiles at them, but the expression is grim. Abayomi winces.

"It isn't good news, is it?"

Kahotep shakes his head. "No, it is not. Come, let us return to the room before discussing this further." When they are in privacy once more, he continues. "As you shared with me, messages from Aten were murky. So too were the messages when I tried to contact Him. I also asked for a sign from Amun-Ra, and His words were clearer. He confirmed that something is indeed wrong with Aten, a corruption. It was less clear if this corruption was due to the Snake, but the signs did seem to support that."

"What can we do?"

"Stay on your guard, and be especially wary of any snakes. As before, follow any signs from a hawk, from Amun-Ra. The princess will know what to look for. Who else knows about this?"

Abayomi shrugs. "Just the priests, I think- wait, no."

"What is it?"

"They said they were going to tell Prince Amenhotep, see if he could give them some guards to look for corruption within the court, whatever that meant."

Anippe whirls towards Abayomi. "You didn't tell me that!"

"You didn't ask, and you also didn't let me tell you everything before coming here!"

Anippe is about to retort when Kahotep raises his hand, "Please, don't fight. My lady, might I share a few words from you in private?"

Anippe nods. "You may. Abayomi, I'll see you shortly."

Taking the dismissal for what it is, Abayomi retreats from the room to return to the garden. It's quieter now than it was a few minutes ago, having been vacated by all other visitors.


What do you think would have happened if Abayomi had followed the guards? What do you think Kahotep might want to privately say to Anippe? Tell me your thoughts!

Also heads up, I'm going on a road trip for the next few days, then spending a few weeks in a different time zone before going on the road again so uh, if the update times are wonky, that's why. I'll try to update when I can.

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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