Chapter 49

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Abayomi is neatening up the rooms, still yawning into her hands. She'd woken up as early as she could get herself to without any windows or clocks to tell time, in addition to lacking an alarm, but once she'd done her prayer she couldn't go back to sleep. With nothing else to do in the rooms, she might as well clean.

There is a knock on the door and she looks up, shivering when air brushes past her neck from a draft. Is that Anippe already? She had said that she would be early today, but surely she wouldn't be arriving this soon after Abayomi's approximated dawn? Abayomi always had to wake her up before, she's not sure if Anippe would be able to wake herself up this early.

But she supposes Anippe did, so kudos to her. Abayomi moves to open the door, stifling another yawn. It isn't Anippe on the other side of it. Abayomi stumbles back, only to end up giving Prince Amenhotep the space he needs to push inside. Abayomi glances at the guards outside the door, but they don't move to help her.

Why would they? He's their prince, and she's nothing, really. If he wants to speak to her, they wouldn't stop him no matter how uncomfortable she is. She steps back further, putting a chair between herself and the prince. He smirks. Is he amused by her fear? What is wrong with him?

Abayomi swallows her fear down. "What do you want?"

"Why, for you to tell me how you tricked even Pharaoh into believing your lies."

"I didn't trick anyone, they just all listened to the truth. You're the one who refuses to accept things as they are."

"No, I'm the only one who sees your lies for what they are. You don't belong here, handmaiden. Something about your spirit both tries to tie you here yet also rejects you. If you belonged here, why would this happen? If you are here on a task for Amun-Ra, why would this be happening? Would He not settle your spirit?"

Or maybe, Amun-Ra is doing his best - if he actually exists - but there is still the dilemma of there being two people with the same soul in the same time! She isn't surprised if something is trying to reject her presence here, she's a duplicate of Anippe's soul and this isn't her original time period. She reaches up to touch the back of her neck, where the spell is inked in kohl. She can't see it of course, but it's reassuring to know it's there. The prince frowns at her.

"What are you doing?"

She blinks. Surely he isn't suspicious of her touching her neck? He doesn't even know about the spell. "I'm just touching my neck?"


"I don't know, maybe it's itchy?"

The prince's frown only deepens. "Come here."

"What? No! You hate me, you've threatened me, why would I do that?"

"Come here, handmaiden."

Abayomi shakes her head, stepping backwards again. She takes the chair with her. The prince follows, and she keeps moving back. Perhaps she can maneuver herself in such a way that she can slip past him. He follows her into the bedchamber and around the bed, and she drops the chair with a clatter.

Abayomi tries to take a shortcut over the bed, but Amenhotep is quick enough to catch her before she can reach the doorway. Amenhotep grabs Abayomi by the arm and uses the other to grab a fistful of her hair. He pushes her forward, baring her neck. Abayomi winces in pain and freezes when he hisses out a breath in anger.

"I see. It's this then, that you use to twist people into believing what you say. Isn't it, handmaiden?"


He hisses again. "You lie to me? Nothing you could say could hide this, this horrible thing. I may not be able to read it, which only points further to the snake's influence upon you, but I know it for what it is. If you will trick even Pharaoh, then I will end this now, myself."

He releases her arm, and she can twist enough to see him reach for something at his waist. When she sees a glint of silver, she starts thrashing. She doesn't care if this rips her hair out, getting home or not, she is not going to let him kill her. Abayomi feels someting tear from her scalp, but she doesn't get free and he only brings the knife higher.

Wait, no, that's not a knife. How did he bring a khopesh sword into the room without her seeing it?! It's not possible! She fights harder, hands swinging out to try and push away from him. She catches her hand on the khopesh, her palm splitting open and blood smearing on her white clothing when it sprays out and she brushes her hand against the cloth.

Still, despite all her fighting, she can't help but instinctually freeze when the sword touches the skin of her throat. It moves slightly, and she can feel the heat from a thin line of blood just above her necklace. Amenhotep's hand moves slightly, changing his grip on the sword. Abayomi closes her eyes, praying fervently to Allah.

There is a clattering sound, wood on stone. It's from both far away and close at the same time. When the khopesh wavers, lowering slightly, Abayomi cracks her eyes open. Anippe is standing in the doorway to the chambers, her nai at her feet. Her eyes are full of horror and she starts forward, into the room.

"By the Gods, what is happening here? Amenhotep, release her!"
Oh dear oh dear. What do you think Amenhotep is doing? Will Anippe be able to talk him down? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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