Chapter 29

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She wanders through the garden, trailing her fingers over the plants. The papyrus tickles as she runs her hand over it, particularly where it brushes against her arm. A gust of wind whistles through the courtyard, bending the plants and flicking Abayomi's hair across her face. She swipes away the black strands, holding them out of her face until the wind dies down.

When it does, she finds that she can hear something else. Voices. They're quiet, but audible. She turns towards them, walking quietly. She's careful to not move too loudly, trying to still seem like she's wandering around. Following the sound, Abayomi turns down a hallway and almost walks into the conversing group.

It appears to be the priests from before, along with a small group of guards. Before any of them can see her, she ducks back around the corner, pressing back against the wall. Only leaning against it really, she's not trying to stay completely flat.

Someone makes a huffing sound, his voice a bit more high-pitched than Abayomi would have expected, although a bit rough. "It can't be as easy as you're making it out to be. You want us to actively investigate every person in the court? Just the three of us?"

The response comes from someone speaking slowly and carefully, in a voice that would easily put Abayomi to sleep if she listened to it for long enough. "Actively investigating isn't the most accurate phrase, but that's the essence of it."

She can hear the raised eyebrow from when the first person responds. "If not actively investigating, then what?"

Someone new responds, this time, in a voice similarly smooth as the second person though they speak at a faster pace. "Keep an eye out for suspicious activity, and just inform us of anything that seems to be out of place."

A sigh from One. "That's already in our job description, it's not anything new. Why is this an essential matter?"

"Did Prince Amenhotep not inform you of the scenario?"

"We were told you would inform us of the entirety of the situation. He only selected us and set out some basic guidelines."

Two, who must be the other priest, sighs. "He didn't tell you the situation? Very well. We have reason to believe that Aten is being corrupted by the Snake, with someone working within the courts. Hence the need to look for any corruption."

Voices begin to overlap, presumably someone - or more than one person - is panicking. Cloth rustles as someone moves, and moves quickly. The response, when Person Two speaks, is sharp and commanding.

"All of you, calm! The risks at this time are low, we have time. We only need to be on the lookout so we are prepared for it if it gets worse, and so we can hopefully catch it before it does. Is that understood?"

Three voices respond as one. "Yes, High Priest Meryre."

"Good. Hori, do you have anything else to add?"

Three is the one to respond, perhaps they are the other priest? "I do not, High Priest."

"Very well. I will reiterate, all we ask is for you to look for suspicious activity within the courts, and to report it to us. If you have further questions, you may remain or come to see us later, after we complete our duties."

Again, the men respond together. "Yes, High Priest."

"Then you are dismissed."

Abayomi can hear footsteps as the three guards leave, all going in different directions. When she registers one moving towards her, she quickly turns and backs down the corridor before she stop and turns. A breath, and starts forward once more as if she was just coming down the hallway now. She reaches the corner just moments after the guard rounds it, walking straight into her. The force sends Abayomi to the ground in a heap and she blinks for a moment. To be honest, she hadn't expected to walk right into him. The guard stares down at her with wide eyes, he had stumbled but not fallen. She stares back, and the guard shifts nervously.

"I apologize, are you alright?"

Abayomi blinks and gives him a sheepish smile. "Oh! I'm alright, really." She pushes herself back up and dusts her clothes off. She turns to go, freezing when he wraps a hand around her wrist. She looks over her shoulder at him. "Let go of me."


She gives him a sharp look. "Because I would greatly prefer to not be touched. Do I need a reason?"

"No, of course not." He releases her arm and she starts forward again. "Wait a moment."

Abayomi sighs and turns. "What is it?"

"Weren't you going that way?" He points behind him.

Abayomi blinks. "Oh. Yes, I was."

"Then- why have you turned around?"

"Oh, I suppose it must have just slipped my mind after I fell."

"Where were you going?"

Abayomi tilts her head. "I was wandering around the temple, while my companion partakes in a private conversation."

"I'm not sure that's the case."

She frowns at him. "What else could I have been doing?"

Deadpan, he responds. "Eavesdropping. What did you hear?"

"Eavesdropping? I wasn't listening to any conversation, I was just walking."

The guard makes a scoffing sound. "Then you wouldn't mind being questioned, would you?" The look he gives her tells Abayomi that there isn't any room for argument. She sighs.

"Well it's not like you're going to be letting me go on my way at this rate."


Well someone may have been caught in a lie. Do you think she'll be let go? What will happen? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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