Chapter 20

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Abayomi lays the scroll out onto a low table, Kahotep moving to place some weights over the corners to prevent it from rolling back up. The priest frowns, tapping on the papyrus of the scroll.

"Abayomi, you showed this to the princess, yes?"

"I did."

"And could you read it, my lady?"

Anippe shifts, tapping a foot against the floor. "No, I could not. It was almost clear enough to read, but the words kept slipping away from me."

"I see, I see."

Abayomi catches his pensive expression and leans forward. "Do you know what it means?"

Kahotep nods, trailing a finger over the hieroglyphic script. "I believe I do. Due to the way this scroll behaves, I am given the impression that this scroll is a spell that combines with that collar. Tell me, Abayomi, did you read the scroll aloud before you arrived here?"

"I did, though I didn't know what it meant."

"You likely either didn't need to know or it didn't matter for the function of the spell. Do you remember what it said?"

Abayomi shakes her head. "No, it's just undetermined sounds in my memory now."

"Ah, that follows the pattern in which we cannot read it. Perhaps with a bit of work I can determine a way to reactivate it or find another way to return you home, but that will likely take some time to do. In addition, Amun-Ra brought you here for a reason, and so you should not return to your home until whatever task you were summoned for is complete."

"But I don't know why I was brought here! It's not like I was told anything."

Kahotep gives her a sharp look. "If you have faith, Amun-Ra will provide."

Abayomi furrows her brow. Allah will provide. Amun-Ra is not her god. But very well, she can have faith.


Kahotep's expression eases. "Good. Now then, as there are similarities between your appearance and the princess', and between your two necklaces, I suspect that you were brought for a reason to do with the two of you."

"Okay. So what do I do?"

"Stay with the princess, if she is amenable to it-" at Kahotep's glance, Anippe nods. "If you feel like you must do something, then do it. It may mean you are being guided by Amun-Ra. If one of his messengers comes to you once more, certainly do as it suggests. I will let you know if I discover a way to return you to your home. If you would leave the scroll here?"

Abayomi hesitates. "But-"

"I will not let anything to happen to it, I swear it to the gods."

Something taps on Abayomi's arm and she almost flinches away, catching herself at the last second as she recognizes it to be Anippe, a reassuring smile on her face.

"I trust him, Abayomi. Do you trust me?"

"I-" Abayomi pauses. She does trust Anippe, even though she's only known her for a few hours. "Yes, I do. I do trust you."

"Then leave the scroll with Kahotep. He will not let harm come to it, and it's probably safer here in a temple with other strange scrolls than it would be in my rooms where it would be out of place. Especially as no one can read it."

Anippe smiles wider. "Good. Then come with me. We can get you settled in my chambers and figure out the rest of this. Does that sound alright?"

"Yes." There is a soft sound from the hallway, people passing by as they have been throughout the discussion.

"Good." She turns and inclines her head to Kahotep. "Until the next time."
He bows back to her. "Of course, my lady. May the gods watch over you both."

The two girls move to exit the room, stepping out into an empty hallway. Off in the distance is a flick of cloth as someone passes out of the intersection between their hall and another. Anippe beams at Abayomi. "Come. If we hurry, I'm sure I can have someone sneak us up a treat or two."

Abayomi laughs. "That's all you needed to say!"

Careful to slow down to a more respectable pace whenever they pass by someone, the two girls swiftly make their way back to Anippe's rooms.


He knocks on the doorframe, swift and sharp even as his breath rattles in his chest. "My lord."

A voice calls from within. "Enter."

He is quick to step inside, though he tries to not be so quick as to reveal his nerves. "My lord, there is a matter you must be made aware of."

"Then tell me." His lord's tone is sharp and impatient.

He glances up at the shadows curling and winding around where his lord stands, even as the space around his skin seems to glow with light, though a few wisps of the smoky shadows creep into it. An eyebrow quirks up from the lord's face and the man quickly lowers his gaze back to the floor in a show of deferential respect. He waits two long heartbeats, until he can feel his lord's gaze upon his back. But once he feels them, knows that his lord is listening and his full attention is devoted to the news brought to his feet, he opens his mouth to tell his tale. There is much to speak of, after all. Much that his lord would seek to know.


Hmmmm, who do you think that was at the end? Do you think Kahotep will find anything? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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