Chapter 22

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She peers out the window for a moment, checking on the positioning of the sun in the sky. Abayomi has only been here for a few days, yet she's already figured out the approximate times based on the sun. With Anippe's assistance of course, that was wonderfully helpful, but still. She learned much faster than she would have expected of herself.

By her estimate, the servants will be bringing up food for Anippe in a few moments, and then she'll be expected to wake the other girl before the food has sat out too long. She should have an outfit laid out over the chest before the servants get here. While Anippe did show her a decoy outfit she could always set out and upon waking Anippe could choose something for herself, Abayomi finds that she finds the practice of selecting something to be soothing.

She knows where the clothing options are, she is free to peruse Anippe's extensive jewelry collection - with the exception of a small set of it off to the side of the main collection that consists of Anippe's more sentimental pieces. Those, Anippe might choose from herself if she wishes to wear something, but Abayomi is not to touch.

To be fair, considering the bits of information Anippe has shared about the collection, Abayomi doesn't want to disturb them. Some of the pieces belong to Anippe's mother, or were given to her by other members of her family that are particularly cherished. Crouching to look into one of the chests, Abayomi lifts out layers of clothing to look for something to pick out.

She's just pulled out a long sheath dress when someone knocks on the door. Quickly, she lays the dress out onto a chair before moving over to the door to pull it open. A servant girl sweeps past her into the room, a large tray balanced in her arms. The girl dips her head to Abayomi, a warm smile on her face, even if it's a bit tired.

"Good morning."

"To you as well."

The girl sets the tray down on a small table and turns to go, pausing momentarily to look back at Abayomi.

"You know, if you get a chance to slip away, you're free to join myself and some of the other girls in the kitchens when all the work is done."

"I would if I could, but I'm afraid the lady keeps me quite busy."

That's not quite true, Abayomi only does the work needed to keep her cover and the work she chooses to do, but she doesn't belong here. She might learn what she can of the culture in her schooling, and she's learning what she can while here, but she doesn't have the context to truly avoid blundering into something she shouldn't. She could say something, do something, that makes someone suspicious.

The girl nods sagely, not noticing Abayomi's guilty thoughts. "Well, if the lady ever gives you some time, you know where we'll be."

"Thank you. If my situation changes, I'm sure I'll drop by."

The girl dips her head and steps out of the room, pulling the door shut behind her. Abayomi sighs, letting her shoulders sag for a moment. She takes a breath, then another, before stepping back over to the window. The courtyard below is still covered in deep shadows, yet the sun is shining into the room in a thick sheet of golden light.

The light flickers for a moment as a bird wheels high above, moving across the sun's round disk. Aten, according to the pantheon of this land. Abayomi steps back, crossing across the room to Anippe's bed. She gently shakes the other girl, holding back a laugh when Anippe grumbles and squeezes her eyes shut. Abayomi nudges her again.

"Come on, up. Your breakfast is here."

"Lemme sleep."

"I think you would rather have fresh food than to have a bit more sleep that isn't necessarily needed."

With a sigh, Anippe pushes herself up and blinks blearily. "Could you at least bring the tray over?"

"I'm sure I could, if you ask nicely."



A hawk swoops onto the windowsill just after Abayomi picks up the tray. She pauses, staring at the bird.

"Uhh, hello. What are you doing here?"

"What is it?" Anippe calls, unable to see the window from the bed.

"The hawk is back."


"The hawk from before is back. Or at least it looks to be the same hawk."

There is a thud from the bedroom, and the sound of a muffled 'ow', before Anippe shuffles into the room.

She mutters, "I heard you the first time." She gasps in awe at the sight of the hawk, her voice dropping to a croon. "Oh hello. You're right, he does appear to be the same hawk. I wonder why he's here?"

The hawk dives out of the window, leaving the two girls staring after it in confusion. But it isn't long before he is back on the window again, screeching at him. Abayomi blinks.

"This is not normal hawk behavior."

"He wants you to follow him, Abayomi. Amun-Ra has sent you a messenger."

"He's just a hawk."

"Just follow him! I can take care of myself until you get back."

Abayomi sighs, muttering, "If you're sure." She turns to the hawk. "I'll be out in the garden in a few moments."


Hmmmm, why do you think the hawk wants Abayomi to follow him? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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