Chapter 34

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Abayomi is doubled over laughing at something the other woman just told her about Anippe as a child when someone drops down into the seat beside her. It's the servant girl from before, once again carrying a tray in her hands. However, this time it is wooden, and far less ornate. The foods piled atop it, if Abayomi is guessing correctly, are those that Prince Amenhotep turned away. The girl grins at Abayomi's scrutinization.

"This is a rare treat, is it not? We get to dine upon the same delights as the royal family!"

Abayomi laughs, the sound breathy after she's already spent so long laughing. "What do you want to try first?"

She's honestly eying the small dish of mallow root set to the side, Anippe would love it if she could snag that for her. The girl beside her frowns thoughtfully at the tray, her gaze sweeping over the array before she finally leans forward and snags a bowl of fruit that most people here will never touch. She pops a piece in her mouth and her eyes widen in delight as she makes small sounds of appreciation.

"This is so good! I wish I could eat this all the time."

Abayomi has to stifle another laugh. This girl would combust in modern times, with the variety of foods available. The girl looks down at the bowl for a moment before holding it out to Abayomi.

"Would you like one?"

"Thank you."

Abayomi plucks a fruit from the dish and pops it in her mouth, smiling at the burst of juice she receives from it. When she's finished with the morsel, she reaches for the dish of mallow root and pulls it close before turning back to the other girl.

"So, I don't think we ever actually introduced ourselves to each other."


"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Asenath. I'm Abayomi, handmaiden to Princess Nebetah-Anippe."

The woman across the table makes a sound, drawing the girls' attention to her. She smiles warmly at the two of them. "I must return to work now, but it was lovely to meet you, Lady Abayomi, and do come again. Asenath, do not tarry for long, you still have duties."

"Yes Habibah."

As she stands, Habibah plucks a chunk of bread from the tray and places it into her mouth before walking off. Once she is gone, Asenath turns back to Abayomi.

"So, why did Habibah call you lady?"

Abayomi shrugs, snatching another bite of food from the tray and batting away Asenath's hand when she tries to grab some mallow root. "I'm a member of the lesser nobility." When a choked sound comes from beside her, Abayomi turns in concern. "Asenath? You alright?"

"You're a noble?"

"Lesser noble, but yes. I'm still just a handmaiden here though."

"You're a noble though. Have you had all this before and just let me gush?"

Abayomi shrugs. "I've never had mallow root before until I arrived here, but I have had a lot of these foods before, yes. Different ways of making them though, the techniques and any spices are new."

"Hmm. Do you know what this is then?"

Asenath holds up a chunk of fruit from her bowl while Abayomi snags another honey-covered date from the tray. "That, Asenath, is a melon."

"Does it grow in the shape of a cube?"

Abayomi blinks at the other girl. "You've never seen it prepared, have you?" A shake of the head. "The fruit of a melon is as big as your head. It gets removed from the rind and cut into chunks like that one."

"As big as my head?"

Abayomi nods, laughing. And bigger, in modern times. "Really, they're that big."

"Wow." Asenath pauses. "Are you ever going to eat that mallow root?"

Abayomi looks down at the bowl tucked against her chest. "My lady asked me to bring her back some, since she dismissed me for the day, and it's really the least I can do."

"Surely she won't notice if you eat a piece?"

Notice? No, of course Anippe wouldn't. Care? She might refuse to admit it, but she'll certainly care if Abayomi snags a piece of her favorite treat, if only to be sad that she failed to get to eat it all.

"I could, but she's been so kind to me, and it's really such a small thing to get her favorite treat for her."

Asenath shrugs. "If you say so. What have you been up to lately?"

"Helping my lady, getting dragged down to be questioned by guards just for walking in the temple gardens."

"You were arrested? Why?"

"Again, I was walking, and I bumped into a guard. The questions were quite strange, in truth. But they did eventually let me go, and my lady gave me the day off as a reprieve from that stress."

A hesitant smile from Asenath. "Well, I'm glad she did. Do you think the guards will come after you again for no reason?"

"I can't be sure, but I certainly hope not."

Abayomi reaches for another date, only to drop it when someone comes in and grabs her shoulders. She whirls, eyes wide, to see Habibah behind her with a worried expression on her face.


"Cease your talk of guards."

"Why? Is something happening?"

"They're coming!"


Oh dear. What do you think the guards are here for? Will Abayomi be alright? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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