Chapter 45

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Abayomi groans, leaning against the door. It's so quiet in this room, and she doesn't have anything to do. She's bored. She's been here for ages with nothing to distract herself with. Of course she's bored. She'd take an interrogation just to get some interaction right now. Is this what solitary in prison is like? A dark and quiet room, nothing to distract yourself with? No wonder its bad for people's mental wellbeing if it's anything like this. The boredom alone would drive you out of your mind.

When something nudges against her back, she almost believes she's imagining it, but then the door swinges open and she tumbles backwards. She ends up with her head on the floor, face staring up to the ceiling. Or, she would be staring at the ceiling if someone wasn't standing above her. He doesn't look impressed.

Abayomi quickly sits up, retreating back into the room. As much as she would like to just try and leave while the door is open, she doesn't think this is the right time for it. Considering that the man follows her inside, she was probably right. She blinks for a moment, trying to place him. He looks familiar.

She's seen him before, more than once. It hits her after a heartbeat, just before her hesitation might be seen as rude. She's seen his face in museums from sculptures, and she saw him once since she arrived here. He was the one walking with Anippe in the garden, which means he is Prince Amenhotep, or Akhenaten as he is known to her time.

Abayomi bows. "Prince Amenhotep."

He scoffs. "You don't need to do that, now when we both know that you don't actually intend to show respect."

Abayomi frowns. She may be from the future, but she's still going to show respect to a historical figure, especially if they are royalty and heir to a throne. "My lord? What do you mean? I have no intention of showing disrespect."

"I know where you're from, why you're here." She stiffens. How would he know she's from the future?

"Excuse me? Where do you think that is and why?"

He takes out a knife and picks under his nails with it. "Why, you were sent here by the Snake Himself to corrupt Aten and Pharaoh's court."

"That isn't true, Prince Amenhotep. I am here for no such thing."

"I knew you would deny it, but no matter. We have the evidence to reveal your lies for what they are."

Anippe just stares at him. Is he delusional? Why would he think she would be working with the snake? She may not believe in it, but Anippe certainly does, and anything that frightens Anippe, Abayomi won't be messing with.

"I promise you, my lord, you are mistaken."

"We shall see. Now, I don't particularly care if you lie about your motives or where you came from, we already have evidence for that and you don't have access to it. What I do wish to know, is how did you influence my niece and that poor priest?"

Abayomi straightens, incensed. "I did nothing of the sort!"

"Then how do you explain my niece changing?"

"Princess Anippe has been the same kind, wonderful person that she has been since I came here to serve her. If she has changed, which I sincerely doubt, then it has only been because she heard stories of other places and lives."

The prince straightens. "So you control her with words. If I prevent you from speaking to her, she will be safe. Shall I cut out your tongue?" He brandishes the knife, and Abayomi steps back. But he just waves it and continues. "No, I think not. We aren't done yet, and I would like for you to be able to incriminate yourself before the Pharaoh. So you can keep your tongue."

Relaxing now that she isn't danger of having her tongue cut out, at least for the moment, Abayomi glares at him. "I've never controlled Anippe!"

The prince straightens, looming over her. "You will address her by her proper title."

"I've never controlled her! If she's changed from listening to stories, which I will reiterate, I doubt she did, that is a perfectly normal thing! People learn about the lives of others, they gain new outlooks and perspectives, they make new choices! As you live, you change. Anyone's stories can lead to that."

"Stay away from her, handmaiden. I will learn how you control her, words or no. Your trail will start as the sun rises. May Aten shine His light upon your crimes."

He raps on the door. When it opens, the prince slips out of the room and it closes behind him swiftly, plunging Abayomi back into darkness. She shouts at the door.

"I wouldn't touch her even if I did have the power to control her, which I don't! And either way, what could I possible do from in here!"

She gets no response of course, but it's cathartic to scream it out. Because no one is here to listen to her, she also whispers to the air.

"A ozu billahi mena shaitaan Arrajeem."

May Allah protect her from the trial ahead. She's in a time not her own, and she's about to be put on trial for something she didn't do. If they determine her to be guilty, which the prince seems to be sure of, then she doubts she'll be sentenced to anything other than death. They're trying her for treason apparently, after all.

That's held a death sentence for eons, and she doesn't think Anippe being on her side will help any. Not if Prince Amenhotep thinks she is somehow controlling the princess. Abayomi sighs again and wraps her arms around herself, closing her eyes. She doesn't think anyone else will be coming, she might as well get some sleep.


Is this what you thought would happen with the interrogation? How do you think the trial will go? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you in a week for the next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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