𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆. magic bullets & chopped off arms

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yeah, i can show you how nice they are.

        "Alright, so what do we know," Stiles asked the McCall's who were all in MJ's room.

        "Scott and I were bitten by the power—hungry alpha who killed the bus driver and all of the other people including Laura Hale, Derek's sister. And the cherry on top, you got one of the only people who could probably actually help us arrested. But now he's out and probably wants to kill you. So, good job."

        "Yeah, we screwed up. Sorry, May. We are part of the alpha's pack. Now we have to figure out who the alpha is hopefully before he kills again or kills us," Scott added. "And there's a new hunter."

        "Of course there is," Maya said.

        "Ok. May?" Stiles asked.

        "Yeah, Stiles," she asked turning her desk chair to face him.

        "Are you ok?"

        "Why wouldn't I be," she asked glancing between Scott and Stiles.

      "My dad said you seemed really worried about Derek getting arrested. He just wanted to make sure Derek didn't hurt you."

        "He didn't hurt me, Stiles. I'm fine," she smiled at his concern. "Now both of you get out so I can sleep."


        Maya walked with Allison and Ivy through the parking lot their their car. Don't get her wrong, she was still terrified, but she liked Ivy. And what Ivy didn't know, wouldn't hurt either of them, right? Maya watched closely as Stiles slammed on his breaks in front of them. "I'll be right back," she told the sisters, hopping out of the car and rushing to the jeep. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked seeing Derek on the ground.

        "I was shot," he said breathlessly. Scott and Stiles ran up beside them.

        "Why aren't you healing," Scott asked.

        "I can't. It was—it was a different kind of bullet."

        "A silver bullet," Stiles asked with a hopeful gleam in his eye.

        "No, you idiot," he snapped back.

        MJ looked around to see students around the parking lot look towards them. She heard a groan and saw Derek's eyes change color.

        Maya dropped to her knees next to Derek saying, "Stop that!"

        "I'm trying to tell you, I can't!"

        "Derek," she grabbed his shoulder, "Get up!"

        When Derek wasn't moving and there were horns honking all around them Scott lifted him up saying, "I'm gonna put him in your car."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, ᴛᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰWhere stories live. Discover now