𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏. protective custody

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[ 1.08 ]

you've got pretty good control.

       "Oh shit, I don't have any clothes for school," Maya face palmed realizing her mistake the other night.

        "It's fine you can just borrow my clothes or we can stop at your house and you can grab a bag," Ivy suggested. Maya was going to be staying with the Argents for a few nights, desperately not wanting to go home. Thankfully, Chris. and Victoria Argent were happy to let their daughters' best friend stay with them until she felt she could go home.

        Maya nodded, "Thanks." She picked out an outfit and went into the bathroom to change.

        "Girls, breakfast," Chris called up to them.

        "Thank you again, Mr. Argent for letting me stay. I just don't don't want to go home right now."

        "Anytime, Maya. You're always welcome here," he smiled as Kate walked in.

        "Yeah, it's nice being able to get to know Ivy and Allison's friends," the eldest girl smiled.

        "Are you sure you girls want to go into school yet?" Chris asked.

        "Yeah," Allison answered. "I think it's time."

        Maya looked out the window seeing a cop car a few houses down. She's been seeing it for a few days now, and it started to freak her out. The car was following wherever she went.


        Kate and Chris drove the girls to school, stopping in front of the front steps. Allison went to open the door finding it locked. "Dad. If you insist on driving us to school, you at least have to let us out of the car.

        He looked around, taking in the surroundings before asking his sister, "Kate, what's your opinion on homeschooling? I'm happy to homeschool you three, you know," he looked back at the best friends.

        "Well . . . you know," Kate answered, "I'm more of a learning by doing kind of girl."

        "What's your opinion on overprotective dads who keep ruining their daughters lives?" Allison asked.

        Kate looked back and smiled and her before smiling at Chris and leaning over to unlock the doors.

        "Thank you," Allison whispered.

        "You're welcome." The girls climbed out of the SUV and hurried into school.

        "M, my dad is picking us up at the end of the day, do you have work today?" Ivy asked.

        "Yeah, I'll um, I can get a ride to work."

        "No, it's fine we can drive you," Allison said receiving a nod from Maya.

        Maya stopped at the bottom of the stairs, her hands immediately starting to shake. "M? It's okay. Derek's not there anymore. We're safe." Maya nodded again following Allison into school.

        They met up with Lydia and started talking about random things until the topic of the other night came up, "It's just so weird. Everyone is talking about what happened the other night, and nobody knows it was us," Allison said as they walked to their classes.

        Lydia chuckled, "Thank you, for the protection of minors."

        "Lydia, do you think I made the wrong decision?" Allison asked.

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, ᴛᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰWhere stories live. Discover now