𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆. snakes

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[ 2.04 ]

don't come too close, i have a giant fear of snakes!

Maya laid sleeping peacefully between Ivy and Lydia until Lydia woke up and immediately jumped at Maya to wake her up.

"Ow! Lydia!" Maya groaned and woke Allison in the process. "'The fuck?"

"MJ?" Allison muttered. "Why are you two so damn loud?"

"God, Lydia," Maya said checking the time seeing how early it was, "Lydia, it's not even five o'clock! Why are we up? Why are you even up?"

"We always get up at this time when you sleep over," Lydia shrugged, "I just usually change the clock."

"What? Why?" Maya asked as Lydia pulled her up to sit.

"Because I'm trying to fix your sleep schedule one sleepover at a time," she said as she pulled Allison and Ivy to sit up.

"It doesn't work."

"Clearly," Lydia sighed. She then patted the bed dramatically, "Now, get your asses up and ready. We are going to look hot going into school today."

Maya sighed, "Are you putting me in a skirt and heels again?"

"You'll just have to see. Come on. In the shower. Let's go!"

"Can I use the guest bathroom?" Allison asked groggily as she stood up.

"Of course," Lydia said as she pulled Maya back to a sitting position, "Stop trying to go back to sleep."

"But I'm tired," she complained as Lydia literally dragged her out of bed.

"Well, you have to go to school."

"Do I though?" Maya asked knitting her eyebrows together. "I'm smart. I'm seventeen, I could drop out and get my GED."

"Nope. It's game today."

Maya groaned loudly, "God, I hate lacrosse!"

"Why? Since when?" Lydia asked following her into the bathroom as she usually does. "You're always excited for game days. Don't you like watching Scott play."

"I'm just really just not feeling this year, you know? I don't know what it is I just . . . I wasn't as excited as I made it seem the first few games. And I can't fake it anymore. I don't know what to do Lyds."

"Maybe we just have to win some more games to get back into the swing of it!" Lydia said hopefully.

"Funny . . . my mom said the same thing at the beginning of the season," Maya said as Lydia turned around so Maya could strip and get in the shower. "You can turn around, I'm in the shower. So how are things going with Stiles?"

"Oh, please, M. Nothing is going on with me and your dorky friend," Lydia rolled her eyes.

"For now," Maya quipped with a smirk.

"Well, you seem to know everything don't you?" Lydia asked. "You should know, I read something about snakes making the way into the shower drains in the neighborhood—" Lydia couldn't finish her statement because Maya screeched and grabbed the towel swiftly jumping out of the shower.

"I hate you!" Maya yelled at the strawberry blonde who was practically falling over laughing. "You know I have a phobia of snakes . . . reptiles . . . amphibians . . . any slimy squiggly creature."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, ᴛᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰWhere stories live. Discover now