𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆. teen wolves

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[ 2.03 ]

what's this about my dad saying you need a raise?

        Maya leaned on Stiles tiredly as they watched Allison and Scott climb the rock wall in gym. "M, I have a question for you," Lydia said beside them.

        "Yeah?" she looked at her best friend.

        "When are you adopting Lucas?"

        Maya laughed against Stiles who nodded agreeing with Lydia, "What?"

        "You care about him right?" Stiles asked.

        "Of course. He's so sweet and innocent and I just love him," she smiled uncontrollably.

        "You talk about him like he's your child and you smile like a proud mom who's kid just beat Karen's kid in the spelling bee," Lydia told her.

        "Yeah, you're already acting like a mother. Go be one," Stiles shrugged.

        "Um, 'A', I'm seventeen. I can't even adopt yet and 'B', I doubt he wants me to be his mom and I don't want a kid. I let him stay with me and take him school—"

        "And act like his mom. Just embrace it, M. We're not gonna judge you and you've never been one to care about what people think of you. Besides, I think he'd love to be your son. It'd be a flight of steps up from his last parent," Ivy argued.

        Maya sighed, "He hasn't been with me long enough."

        The class laughed as Allison kicked Scott off the wall sending him falling down and stopping just before he hit the mat.

        "Next two! Stilinski, Erica, let's go," Coach yelled.

        Stiles moved Maya off of him and onto leaning on Lydia, "Why are you so tired, anyway? Up all night taking care of your son?"

        "No. I just couldn't sleep."

        Stiles quickly up and down while Erica had barely left the ground. She started crying causing Maya to perk up and step forward in concern. "Erica? You alright?"

        "Erica! Is it vertigo?" Coach asked.

        "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system on the inner ear. She's just freaking out," Lydia rolled her eyes.

        "Coach, maybe it's not safe," Allison said. "You know she's epileptic."

        "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? Erica, y—you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on." Erica slowly came down. "That's it, shake it off."

        Maya sighed sympathetically watching the mortified Erica walk away and out of the gym.

        After gym class Maya followed the girls back into the locker room. While they talked Maya started to notice her hands shaking. She looked down in confusion which caught Allison's eye. "M? What—what's going on? Are you okay?"

        Maya bolted back into the gym just in time to catch Erica as she fell from the wall. Almost immediately as she set her on the ground, MJ put Erica on her side to stop the seizing.

        "How'd you know?" Allison asked kneeling beside her with Stiles and Scott on the other side while a small group of students huddled behind them.

        "I just felt it," Maya answered glancing at Scott who had gotten there about the same time Maya did. She glanced down at Erica, an idea popping into her head, "You're gonna be okay, Erica."

𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, ᴛᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰWhere stories live. Discover now