Another visitor

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Yukiko was tending to her pokemon and the berry trees along with the apricorn trees.

She looked around when she heard a light squeal. Worried her pokemon were in trouble, she saw that Lilia was near Igglybuff, cooing over how cute the baby was.

"Excuse me, Lilia?"

"Hm? Oh hello Yukiko. How are you doing?" He greeted.

"Great, thank you though I see you met Igglybuff."

At that, Rotomdex appeared.

"Igglybuff the Balloon Pokemon. A fairy type. This small Pokémon is extremely elastic and can bounce like a ball, although it may not be able to stop if it does this.
It smells sweet to calm the emotions of its foes. Although it has singing abilities, it is not able to sing for long periods due to its underdeveloped vocal cords. It often gets a sore throat from singing too frequently. Igglybuff tend to live in the grasslands close by freshwater streams. It uses water from the streams to gargle in its sore throat." Rotomdex said.

"Oh, how cute! And it's classified as a fairy from your world?!" Lilia said in joy.

"Yup. Would you like to see the other baby pokemon here?" Yukiko asked.

"Would I?!"

Yukiko took it as a 'yes'.
Lilia looked like he was in his happy place as he interacted with the other baby pokemon along with Kangaskan as Rotomdex listed all the pokemon.

"Kangaskan the Parent Pokemon. A normal type.
Kangaskhan is a nurturing Pokémon that protects its young at all costs. It can move really fast, even with the baby in its pouch. The baby leaves the pouch only rarely until it is three years old. In order to avoid crushing the baby, Kangaskhan sleeps standing up. If the mother feels the environment is safe, it will allow its young out to play. However, it will violently attack anything that it sees as a threat to its young. They are known to raise other species of Pokémon alongside their own children, and records exist which describe a childless Kangaskhan raising orphaned human children."

"Meltan, the Hex nut Pokemon. A steel type.
It melts particles of iron and other metals found in the subsoil, so it can absorb them into its body of molten steel."

Chingling the Bell Pokemon. A psychic type.
Inside its mouth is a red orb, which creates a ringing sound as the Pokémon moves. Additionally, the orb can be vibrated to create high frequency, long-lasting cries to deafen its opponents. The sounds produced can be too high for people to hear.

Mimikyu the Disguise Pokemon. A ghost/fairy type.
A lonely Pokémon, Mimikyu is always covered by its disguise. It is unknown what Mimikyu's true appearance looks like. Since this Pokémon is weakened by sunlight, it is rumored that the veil is used for protection. It is believed that seeing its true form will cause a mysterious illness or even a painful death. Because of this, Mimikyu will become agitated and violently stop anyone from attempting to look underneath its rag. Mimikyu's disguise is modeled after Pikachu because of the popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise, thinking that its disguise would allow it to make friends with people. Unfortunately, this attempt makes its disguise look more creepy. The rag it wears allows Mimikyu to avoid attacks. If its rag is damaged or its neck is broken, it will spend all night patching it in front of a mirror as if its life depends on it. Repairing the rag correctly is often difficult for Mimikyu, so it cries a lot on the inside. It then seeks revenge on the one that damaged it, fearing that its true identity could have been exposed.

Wooper the Mud Fish Pokemon. A water/ground type.
Wooper lives in cold water most of the time. When sleeping, it partially buries itself in the mud at the bottom. It will occasionally leave the water when the air cools in the evening to search for food along the shore. While walking on land, it coats its body with a slimy, toxic film that keeps its skin from dehydrating and insulates against the cold. The film causes a shooting pain if touched barehanded.
Morelull the Illuminating Pokemon. A grass/fairy type.
Morelull likes dark damp areas but changes locations every night to avoid depriving the plants in any one area of too many nutrients. In addition to locomotion, its roots are also used to communicate with other Morelull. When in danger, it scatters spores that burst into bright, glittering sparks. The pulsing light of the spores can induce drowsiness. It is rumored that once when a group of Morelull were disturbed and all threw out their spores at once, a plane passing overhead suffered a near brush with disaster. The caps on Morelull's head are also a delicacy for Pokémon living in the forests and can grow back overnight.

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