four: care

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Jungkook is laying on his bed looking at the ceiling, totally bored of his life. he skipped today's classes. it's day after the not really nice talk with yoongi and what's the most important after full of sexual contact moment with taehyung. he was so hurt that he couldn't stop thinking about the elder, after so long he opened himself for someone and let him touch him in more private way just to hear that he was used. he felt betrayed and so bad with himself.

suddenly heard knocking to door, he decided to ignore it besides don't want to see anyone. but the knocking didn't stop. he sigh annoyed and stand up just angrily open the door, his eyes witnessed taehyung. jungkook rolled eyes and when he tried to shut the door in front of his face taehyung blocked it with hand, saying "please...".

"go away" jungkook said again trying to shut the door but taehyung was quicker and entered to his dorm bravely, "what the fuck taehyung? leave!" jungkook said and pointed at the door. "why did you leave me?" taehyung asked and jungkook is quick to chuckling out "are you kidding me? If you're horny at least tell me that because I'm not interested in any your stupid games".

"you literally were riding me kook, what's wrong?" taehyung asked confused, "I'm not your sex buddy! and I won't be, I don't need you in my life taehyung. that maybe meant to you nothing and just a simple thing but I have feelings so go to your girls or who ever you want and fuck with them, I DON'T CARE" jungkook answered with betrayed face, "we shouldn't have even meet and don't you dare come again to my work, I don't want to see you again. now leave" he added.

"I wasn't doing that with you because I was horny" taehyung said and jungkook furrowed eyebrows annoyed making him continue "I mean I was but because of you. you turn me on, just... listen it's not what it looks like. It meant to me... something too. I just know that I didn't kiss you only because wanted to relieve myself"

"sure and I should believe you that what? you like me? the guy who's everyday with other girl is liking me? gosh you're so annoying. leave taehyung, I don't want you here" jungkook said and when taehyung didn't do any move into door direction he pissed off, the younger grabbed taes arm and started pulling it to make him leave but that doesn't help. that made him even more angry he started from out of powerlessness pushing taehyung away "are you deaf? leave me the fuck alone! I don't want you here"

"calm down kook" taehyung said while trying to stop jungkook but that didn't help, after some more punches and pushes he grabbed jks both wrists and pinned the younger to door behind him. jungkook met taes eyes which were closer than he thought, lips doing the same and chests brushing. both of them exhaled "w-what are you doing?" jungkook asked now looking at taes lips.

taehyung slowly leaned to jks red lips and when he brushed them his grip around jks wrists tighter not actually in purpose making the younger wince in pain a little. taehyung leaned away and looked at one of his wrists, which was all in cuts and dried blood. "what's that kook? are you- jungkook are you cutting yourself?" taehyung asked in shock and took a better look of jks wrist "oh my god" he whispered in shock.

jungkook shook hands away and harshly pushed away the elder but taehyung grabbed his hand asking "why are you cutting yourself?!" and before jungkook could do something like again pushing him away tae wrapped arms around his waist and took him up to the bed, sitting on the edge while jungkook was now onto his laps.

"let me go!" jungkook said while trying to stand up from taes laps, "please talk to me. yoongi said that you stopped taking your medicine, what medicine?" taehyung asked calmly and jungkook finally gave up. he took a deep breath and whispered "I-I had depression for the last 3 years a-and...I had a suicide attempt one time because of my parents and... someone, I should take antidepressants but stopped taking them cause I want to live normally" avoiding taes gaze meanwhile.

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