fourteen: car ride

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jungkook started leaving his bathroom already ready for the party, he's wearing skinny, black jeans and tight, black shirt as always. his messy black hair looking crazy hot as usually, he don't like being in the spotlight so outfit is ordinary. taehyung was also ready in jks little living room, he's wearing what always: an black leather jacket and brown shirt with black jeans. but he looked so like a model.

at seeing jungkook he quickly stand up from the couch and fixed hair, "you look gorgeous" he said with a smile making jungkook roll eyes. he walked closer to exit door and while starting wearing shoes he said "I won't wait for you so be quick", "I'm driving kook and I'll be the only one sober" taehyung said back trying to loosen up the mood but jungkook only gave him a serious gaze saying "I can walk, it's not a problem If you're doing me a favor".

"of course I'm not? kook come on, don't be like this" taehyung said meanwhile walking closer to the younger, he put both hands onto his waist and leaned him against the exit door. "I don't want you to be mad at me, please" taehyung whispered now brushing their noses several times softly, he leaned to jks lips and touched them with own but jungkook didn't kiss back. he shook away and stepped to the side saying "and I don't want to be late" before opening the door to leave. taehyung sigh and left too to let jungkook lock them behind them.

they went to taes car which stand under the building where jungkooks dorm is, they sat inside and taehyung quickly started driving. they sat in not really comfortable silence, taehyung couldn't stand that and dreamed to just normally again talk with the younger. he got an idea to put hand onto jks thigh for any contact so slowly did that, he put hand onto jks which rested there but jungkook at noticing that took own away giving taehyung only an opportunity to have hand onto jks soft thigh.

oh those thighs. at remembering how many times he kissed them couldn't deal with the situation even more. but he tried, he still tried to get more of jungkooks attention by rubbing his thighs with thumb but the younger not even bother to look at taehyung. yeah It's going to be a great party taehyung thought to himself and sigh.

when they arrived jungkook is quick to leave taes car saying little 'thanks' meanwhile, taehyung sigh and followed the younger to the house where the party is. loud music was heard already in the car so both of the boys wasn't surprised when inside was definitely louder. jungkook immediately run to jimin and hugged him tightly saying "hi chim!", "hi jungkookie, everything okay? hi taehyung! hoseok is feeling a little bit bad so won't be here today unfortunately" jimin said and greeted the elder behind jungkook.

jungkook nodded not really convincing making jimin ask quietly with worries in eyes "are you sure? you guys had an arguments?" jungkook shook head with a smile saying "I'm fine, don't worry! go and enjoy!". he doesn't want to bother jimin about every his bad moment in life, also know that jimin would go with him somewhere and spend time together leaving the party behind so. he want jimin to have fun without caring about anything and especially him.

jimin nodded and leaned to kiss jks cheek sweetly "I love you" he whispered and run to yoongi, jungkook sigh and took a sip of drink which stand on the table next to him, taehyung was still behind him. jungkook started softly swaying to the music and the elder couldn't stop starring, lord have mercy tae thought. he sigh and walked closer to the younger just to put hands onto his waist from behind and whisper into his ear meanwhile matching his dance moves "you gonna avoid me all night?".

jungkook immediately noticed starring from other people at them, he isn't surprised tho. suddenly kim taehyung is so interested in him? the guy who likes quick fucks? you know what, screw this jungkook thought and turned to taehyung who smiled at him softly. "just shut up and dance If you want to that badly stay with me, I don't care. just don't ruin my mood" jungkook said and taehyung is quick to nod "alright" he said and grabbed jks waist. jungkook put hands onto his shoulders and both of them started dancing together.

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