five: shape of your lips

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jungkook didn't know what the hell happened in the middle of the night but woke up with face blurred to taes neck and with one leg around his waist, taes hands were onto his ass making him almost explode from being so red. he slowly pulled away and froze at seeing how again their faces are close.

but the first thing he thought was fuck why is he so fuckin hot earlier he never even thought that will feel attraction to someone in closer future but right now? yesterday he was making out with the hottest guy in the college, the kim taehyung. everyone wants him and everyone would pay to just kiss those lips for a second but HE kissed him just like that. oh those lips.

jungkook started noticing their shape, it was really weird but in a good way. they were so abnormal shape that it's too beautiful to be real. jk slowly took one hand up and with thumb touched taes lower lip, he breathe out at the softness of them and wished to feel them right now onto his own.

I definitely shouldn't but I can't stop myself jungkook thought again to himself and started parting taes lips, sighing at how the elder looks. he looked so passionately and erotic that jungkook stopped moves to look at him for longer, suddenly taehyung moved closer to him and nuzzled nose into jks neck sighing at the contact. jungkook froze and blushed madly, he almost got heart attack because thought that tae started waking up.

at feeling taes hot breath and lips onto his sensitive skin he couldn't stop himself and little moan escaped from his mouth, before he could process everything taes leg was between his touching his crotch lightly. oh my godd he thought at feeling that started being excited, this reminds him of situation from the book which he currently read. that fact made him even more excited.

the younger slowly calmed down himself and when felt that is able to move, he softly pulled taes face away from his neck and sat up. he sigh and run palms through hair flustered at the fuck is going on right now in his life, he sleeps in one bed with a guy which he hated so much not that long ago. don't get me wrong, he like it because taehyung is crazy handsome and right now he wants nothing more but still that's confusing.

he stand up and went to his bathroom, sighing at seeing in the mirror reflection how red he is. "lord have mercy" he mumbled to himself and started washing face with cold water several times, afterwards quickly brushed teeth. he fixed hair a little and whipped his puffy eyes still feeling a little sleepy, he noticed that his sweatpants are dirty so took them off and right now was only in big shirt and boxers. suddenly the door flow open and jks eyes witnessed taehyung.

„I didn't know you are awake" he mumbled and went closer to the younger who started quickly looking for any fresh jeans, "yeah yeah I am but not for long tho" he nervously said making taehyung chuckling. "why are you blushing?" he asked and jungkook is quick to answer "I'M NOT BLUSHING, SHUT UP" making the elder smirks even more. he stepped closer and whispered „you're so cute when you're blushing", jk rolled eyes and pushed him away but taehyung was quicker.

he grabbed his waist and sat the youngers body on the washing machine, "what the hell?" jungkook asked. "just to make more space, I need to brush my teeth" taehyung explained and winked at him before turning and starting doing it. meanwhile tae was brushing his teeth jungkook was starring at his back, they're lightly so good build. when the elder done brushing his teeth after about 2 minutes he turned around to jungkook with a smirk.

"you're starring a lot, you know that right?" he said and put his hands onto both of the sides of jks hips, leaning closer to jks face to brush their noses and lips are so close to follow. jungkook exhaled and started saying nervously "I-I didn't mean to-" taehyung leaned even closer to touch, not kiss yet, jks lips with own and the younger is quick to panic.

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