ten: shower

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jungkook felt something not usual at his skin so slowly opened his puffy eyes, he whipped them and giggle at the view a little. taehyung was putting onto his arm and shoulder sweet, gentle kisses. "tae, that tickles" jungkook said preciously and yawned, "morning" taehyung said and turned the younger by his waist softly to face him. „hmm you have the best bed ever" jungkook whispered while stretching himself and nuzzled into taes neck.

"how are you feeling?" the elder asked running palms through jks hair softly for comfort "I'm fine" jungkook answered, feeling that taehyung connected their hands. he softly looked into his eyes with his bambis, fuck he just woke up and looks that good? jungkook thought to himself. "Is that weird that you're the very first person who I let sleep in my bed?" taehyung asked leaning a little closer to brush their noses.

"why?" jungkook whispered curious, light blush showed onto his cheeks. "I don't even know, when I was sleeping with someone it means nothing because usually I wasn't even interested in that person. just wanted a quick fuck and leave as fast as a cum not even looking back. my bed was something like my grandma to me, an safe place and I can't smell someone here or anything so, but with you is kinda different I guess" taehyung explained never breaking the eye contact.

jungkook couldn't stop himself from getting chills onto back, being even more red than ever. to be honest taehyung is also the first (unexpected) person with who he got really deep relation in such a short amount of time. "tae... I..." jungkook tried to say something but couldn't, taehyung leaned a little closer but while doing that he still got hand into jks. he felt something harsh weird because of little friction so leaned away and looked closer.

jungkook again cut his wrist...

both of them looked at each other, taehyung sadly while jungkook was trying to explain it as good as he can "t-tae it's nothing really...", "you stopped taking your medicine again?" taehyung asked. jungkook rolled eyes and sat up "no I'm still taking them and you know that doesn't work like this, I couldn't stop it after everything what happened" he answered looking away from feeling a little annoyed but embarrassed of himself at the same time.

"you can't hurt yourself kook" taehyung said and grabbed jks hand to softly move thumb onto his cuts, worriedly looking at jks face trying to make eye contact with him. "I know, you said that before" jungkook mumbled back now meeting taes dark eyes, "and you still doing it even though I told you to stop it" taehyung said but immediately started regretting his words.

jungkook scuffed whispering "asshole" before standing up from the bed "I'll take a shower, don't disturb me" he said. taehyung also quickly stand up and grabbed jks waist, turning the younger to face him again and stop him from walking away. „let me go" jungkook said trying to free himself from taes tight grip "I'm sorry" taehyung said, "I'm sorry that I'm pushing on you" he continued.

jungkook met his eyes, he sigh and said back "it's fine, I don't care either", "about what?" taehyung asked and tighter grip around the younger. "about everything in this world" jungkook mumbled annoyed "what about me?" taehyung said back now leaning a little closer making the younger blush and push him a little away by his chest. "you can't stop being so you, don't you?" jungkook asked making the elder smirks but say softly "I mean it I'm sorry kook, I know you don't like talking about your depression. I just don't like seeing you in suffer"

jungkook breath out, feeling like he will melt soon but won't show it of course "like I said I'm fine" he whispered and the elder nodded. "but" taehyung continued suddenly, making step closer "instead of that I want to see you kook, the real you" he whispered into jks ear giving him again chills on the back. taehyung wants jungkook to like he said earlier feel normal and forget about rest of the world well he wants to be that person to him who will help with that.

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