thirteen: what is love?

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2 week's passed quickly, jungkook got as always a lot of work but after having taehyung in his life as a more important person is feeling with that better. he isn't so tired and sad as always were, taehyung also always remember to reminds the younger about his medication to take them systematically.

right now jungkook is at work, jimin is standing next to him doing something on the phone. suddenly got a message so pull out his phone and checked it

tae tae 🤗

hey kookie
7 at yours is okay with you? 😁

kookie 😻

yes yes
of course

tae tae 🤗

can't wait

kookie 😻

why 😅

tae tae 🤗

hm idk

kookie 😻

you want to do or watch something specific?

tae tae 🤗

yeah I guess so
whatever you want pretty thing

kookie 😻


tae tae 🤗

you know I won't
see you soon darling 😘

"shit" jungkook sigh. "what?" jimin asked curious now looking at his friend "I forgot I meet with taehyung today before your party" jungkook explained now doing something on the cash register. "for fuckin?" jimin asked and winked at the younger who met his eyes "we aren't fucking", jimin furrow eyes confused a little and chuckled. "I mean we fuck of course but last time w-we didn't actually like it's weird" jungkook said a little more quietly.

"what do you mean?" jimin asked curiosity at jks answer, jungkook sigh "it wasn't like fucking, when we started you know- he started being more gentle and slow? like I don't know why but it still feels more than gorgeous don't get my wrong but... my first thought was that he started getting bored of me to be honest but he still was kissing me and everything so. both of us prefer more h-heated sex well I was surprised" he answered. 

jimins eyes shine, jungkook actually didn't know why but jimin walked closer to him and started giggling cutely."AAAAHHH MY JUNGKOOKIE" he said lovely, "what's wrong with you?" jungkook asked surprised at jimins behaviour. when jimin after some moments calm himself a little down he put hand onto jks shoulder and said with warm smile

"you guys made a love"

jungkook froze, his cheeks got red almost immediately. his breath slowed down from the shock but at the same time his heart started beating faster than ever. "w-what the fuck are you talking about?" he asked slowly confused than ever "he really likes you jungkook, isn't that obvious?" jimin explained. "b-but we aren't even together a-and taehyung don't love me, what the fuck jimin" jungkook said, his eyes bigger than ever.

"are you sure? you asked him if he have bigger feelings than 'I like you' to you? when I'm with yoongi so lost in each others we also have more gentle sex and we make love, it gets us closer and stronger you just have to feel it" jimin said with big smile at jungkook, he found his shock in cute way anyway. "j-jimin what- what are you... I" jungkook tried to say something back but just couldn't, he was so surprised at those words and that jimin thinks he and taehyung made a love? it's crazy.

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