twenty eight: passion in love

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the next day jungkook and taehyung spent all together outside, taehyung point in that was to cheer up the younger as much as he can and it helped a lot. they were talking all the time about random funny stuffs, also taehyung took jungkook to the cinema for romantic movie. he knew how much jungkook loves those type of things.

at seeing how much his eyes lit up at every subtle thing like holding hands or first kiss made him even more in love him, he always leaned to jungkook closer and connected their lips into sweet kiss to show him that 'I'm here' when he noticed little discomfort or sadness in eyes through that time. jungkook couldn't be more grateful, he can't imagine better person to be with.

finally he can share his thoughts with someone, it's taehyung. it always will be taehyung for him.

right now is weekend 5am, they're in taes car riding somewhere. jungkook doesn't know where yet. he can't stop looking out of the window and asking impatient taehyung where is he taking them meanwhile playing with definitely too big for him pink sweather, taehyung was chuckling at his baby. he was so precious to him, his shaking thighs under his hand from excitement where the most lovely thing he ever saw.

"OH COME ON, TELL ME ALREADY" jungkook said a little annoyed with pout, taehyung chuckled and leaned to kiss his cheek 2 times before saying "you'll see baby, stop being so impatient. that's a surprise, I know you don't like them but try to get over it. we gonna be there soon daring". jungkook rolled eyes and mumbled "you said that before"

taehyung chuckled, he found that behaviour so cute in jungkook. now they stayed on a red light so tae grabbed jks one cheek and kissed him deeply, jungkook sigh at the contact immediately parting lips to let the elder snick his tongue into his mouth. when the light was green taehyung like nothing just pulled away and started driving leaving jungkook all breathless and to be honest turned on.

"I hate you" jungkook said annoyed and pat taes shoulder "what? I have to drive" taehyung chuckled out, putting hand onto jks thick thigh instead. "whatever" jungkook mumbled and connected their hands all pouty, taehyung chuckled again and pulled jungkook closer by his arm, saying "come here" before kissing quickly jks lips several times "my sweetheart" tae said against those red lips making jungkook smile lovely

"my handsome"

after about 10 minutes they finally arrived where taehyung wanted, jungkook yawned because it's still too young hour for him and slowly tried to leave car but taehyung stopped him "wait here for a sec" he said and kissed jks jaw before taking something from the car trunk and leaving the younger confused alone.

after about 5 minutes taehyung came back and opened door for jungkook to let him get out from there finally, jks eyes wide open at noticing where they're finally

the beach. taehyung knows how much jungkook loves this place, that he spent near the sea all his childhood and gives him so much peace.

jungkook blinked twice and turned to taehyung who stand behind him with white rose in hand making him turn into blushing mess "it's for you. and no, don't worry I'm not proposing. not yet" taehyung said lowely with that sexy smile of his. jungkook slowly grabbed beautiful rose from the elder and smelled her, whispering "it's so beautiful", "almost as beautiful as you are" taehyung said back and stepped closer to the younger who blushed even more. if that's possible.

"thank you so much tae, I love it" jungkook said a little bit shyly, feeling tiny under taes hot gaze at him but love it. he love him. "you don't have to thank me, I just wanted to make a surprise for you. you went through a lot and I'm so proud of you how bravely you fight it, I love you jungkook more than anything in this world. you're the most important person for me, you're so special" taehyung said lowely with gorgeous smile.

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