eighteen: anger

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jungkook slowly opened eyes yawning, he smiled at seeing where he sleeps. he was laying onto taes chest on his couch because both of them fall asleep there, they were too lazy to come back to taes bedroom. "taehyungie?" jungkook mumbled and sat up to now sitting a little higher than taes laps, the elder opened eyes and stretched himself a little "good morning".

"what time is it?" jungkook asked and whipped his sleepy, puffy eyes a little, taehyung sat up and wrapped arms around jks waist saying "I don't know but don't care". jungkook rolled eyes "seriously?", taehyung chuckled and brushed their noses "maybe we could skip today?" making jungkook bite lower lip "why?" he asked in whisper and put hands onto taes chest "hmm I had in mind laying with you naked all day, drinking wine and having sex. what do you think?" taehyung whispered back and winked at the younger.

jungkook giggle and moved hands to taes cheeks, rubbing them softly with thumbs meanwhile looking lovely into taes eyes "sounds perfect but let's do this after college alright? I need to be on this classes, I'm feeling stupid for not understanding them at all. I promise we gonna spend some more time together after everything okay?" he said softly. taehyung sigh and nodded before leaning closer to jks lips to connect them into gentle kiss, jungkook run palms through taes dark hair absolutely loving kissing with the elder.

when taehyung tried to lift his shirt jungkook took his hands away but put them onto own ass instead making tae smirks into the kiss. jungkook started ever so slowly grind against taes crotch, moaning at the pleasurable friction. taehyung pulled away from jks lips and attacked his milky neck, jungkook moned highly and bite lower lip but when he opened eyes a little he noticed the hour on the clock.

he's quick to push taehyung away making him fall with back again onto soft material, "what the hell?" tae chuckled a little confused but at the same time turned on. "WE ARE ALREADY LATE!" jungkook said and stand up from taehyung, quickly running to his bedroom. he cursed at seeing that his phone went dead, taehyung joined him in bedroom and asked "what's wrong?". "my phone died, that's why we didn't wake on time fuck!" jungkook said and quickly borrowed some clothes from taes wardrobe before rushing to restroom.

"we can still skip!" taehyung screamed and jumped onto his bed, he loved it so much because it's so big and comfy but also jks perfume are still in the air. "shut up and get ready quickly!!!" jungkook screamed making taehyung chuckling and stand up to just starts get ready as jungkook ordered him. after about 10 minutes they were ready to leave and quickly ate breakfast, after another 10 minutes they were leaving taes dorm.

while walking and talking meanwhile their hands always rubbed against each other, both of them knew about it. after some moments taehyung slowly grabbed jks hand in his, gently connecting them playing like nothing happened. jungkook bite lower lip at that with huge blush, still continuing talking making taehyung chuckling a little at his precious behaviour.

they didn't care anymore, that was them. they felt so comfortable with that and holding hands was first step to be more official. finally, it felt so good. so while holding hands they finally came to the college building and joined their classes.

time skip

"... well I told her that I won't study then because she thinks I'm too stupid for it and she literally ROLLED EYES AT ME and I was like bitch? what the fuck is wrong with you" jimin continued telling jungkook his story meanwhile leaving college building because their classes ended making jk giggle at every word "and so what? you have to write another essay or?" he asked.

jimin is quick to look at him with big smile "yes but I won't do it this time, I'm done with that bitch", jungkook chuckled saying "dumbass". suddenly both of them heard "jungkook!", they turned around and both of them gasped.

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