eleven: desire

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2 weeks passed. jungkook is right now in taes dorm, laying onto his bed while the elder is next to him. their shoulders are touching, both of them have hands onto their belly's loosely. "... I never said that!" jungkook chuckled, "stop lying! 2 days ago when we met HERE in my own dorm you said you don't like my spaghetti!" taehyung chuckled with fake sad face.

"I LOVE SPAGHETTI!" jungkook said back with precious giggle making taehyung look at him "you do?" he asked and jungkook looked back at him whispering "of course" tips of their noses are almost touching. "I promise to do better next time" taehyung said with little smirk, jungkook rolled eyes saying "It was fine I promise, I really liked it almost as your bruises cheek after your another stupid fight" making tae chuckling "shut up". they couldn't unfortunately meet everyday but always tried to find a way to spend an evening or have a sleepover just to talk with each other.

also texting everyday to each other helps a lot but that's not the same, both of them started feeling really attached to each other. "so um I saw you talking with lisa today" jungkook started when the silence started being annoying, taehyung simply shrugged at that not really caring about that fact. "isn't she your ex girlfriend?" jungkook asked looking at ceiling meanwhile, taehyung chuckled a little and said "she is, she asked me about the classes".

jungkook hummed, he started playing with his fingers a little nervously. "what's up?" taehyung asked softly and put hands onto jks, "nothing?" jungkook said simply and looked at taehyung. "are you really jealous about her?" taehyung asked with little smirk playing onto his face, "of course not? I don't care" jungkook scuffed making taehyung turn more on the side to look more properly at the younger.

"I'm not interested in her anymore kook" he said softly, grabbing jks wrist to also turn him on the side. both of them now still laying onto bed were facing each other. "cool, y-you don't have to explain yourself" jungkook mumbled „I know you wanted to hear it so" taehyung said and winked at jungkook who rolled eyes "sure, whatever" he said meanwhile having hands wrapped around own waist in protective way.

"hey, look at me" taehyung whispered at seeing that jungkook is avoiding his gaze, the younger did that and shyly smiled at seeing taes starring face "what?" he asked. "it's just, Is that weird if I can't stop thinking about you when we're apart?" taehyung said making jungkook immediately blush "stop, I know you're trying to embarrass me..." jungkook whispered and slapped taes chest softly.

"I'm serious" taehyung said and put hands onto jks waist to bring him even closer, jungkook put hands onto his shoulders instead and bite lower lip "y-you like me?" he whispered. „you thought I would be here If I wouldn't like you?" taehyung chuckled and leaned a little closer "you could leave..." jungkook whispered meanwhile looking at taes lips, "but I won't" taehyung whispered back before connecting their lips into gentle kiss.

jungkook sigh at the contact, feeling like every muscle in his body relaxed at the feeling of taes lips onto his own. he felt like ice in the fire. slowly the gentle kiss changed into something more heated, deeper. jungkooks body took control over him and not thinking twice he sat onto taes laps who sat up too as well, never breaking the kiss. both of them are tightly hugging each others body meanwhile kissing slowly and passionately.

when the lack of the air started being a problem jungkook slowly broke the kiss and opened eyes, tae did the same and licked his swollen lips. jungkook exhaled heavily and not thinking too much he said something what he wanted to so long, something what he wants to do now or never "tae I-I want you". he immediately blushed at own words but doesn't regret them at all. that what he really wants, to finally feel it.

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