twenty six: humiliate

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jungkook and taehyung after 2 days more in jks moms house came back to their college. right now they're in jks dorm, they woke up about 20 minutes ago and soon have classes but of course as always they didn't care at all. they decided to take an quick shower so right now are in jks shower area. jungkook is standing straight meanwhile washing his black hair thinking that they're already a little too long but is too lazy to go to hairdresser.

he slowly felt that taes hands are sneaking around his waist just to rest onto his stomach, he smiled and throw head back to have back of her leaned onto taes shoulder. "you smell good" taehyung whispered in deep voice into jks ear, jungkook put own hands onto taes and hummed before whispering back "like you". taehyung smiled softly and put 3 gentle, wet kisses onto his shoulder making the younger moan quietly.

"today is yoongi's birthday party, right?" taehyung asked softly into jks ear and nuzzled nose into crook of his neck, "yeah but I have late work so pick me up only after 7pm" jungkook said, chawing a little lower lip at feeling taes naked, warm body more against his. "alright, I'll pick you at 6:59pm" taehyung said teasingly making jungkook chuckling but moan again at feeling soft kiss onto his neck.

"you like when I touch you?" taehyung mumbled teasingly against jks skin at seeing how his skin reacted at contact of his lips against his milky neck "I love it", taehyung smirked a little and turned jungkook by his hips gently to face him "that's good, your body is so beautiful". jungkook bite lower lip and looked down, whispering little 'thanks'.

taehyung confused asked at his reaction "why this face?", jungkook sigh and explained now looking into taes eyes "I just don't think that my body is that pretty, I gained weight after we left for my mother and can't even look at myself without regretting that I ate so much". taehyung parted lips in shock, for him it's impossible to think that jungkook is above being perfect, he didn't notice that he gained weight but don't care about it. his heart hurts that his baby thinks about himself that lowely.

"stop with that bullshit kook, you're just perfect. I love ever inch of your body and you should do the same, you should love yourself as much and even more I do love you" taehyung said never hesitating in his speech, jungkook exhaled deeply never breaking the eye contact with the elder. taehyung saw a little hesitation behind jks gaze so quickly got an idea, he grabbed jks chin and leaned closer to kiss gently his lips.

after that he went more down, he started putting gentle kisses onto jks coner of mouth, jaw, neck, chest until he was on the level of his belly, kneeling for easier access. jungkook blinked twice at seeing how taehyung look and couldn't stop himself from blushing. "you don't even have idea what your body makes me feel, how many of my feelings just wants you and pull me towards you" taehyung said lowely making jungkook exhale quickly from the tension.

taehyung smirked at seeing how lust jungkook was, he put hands onto jks ass and put gentle kiss onto his belly before starting kissing his thighs. he absolutely loved how jungkook looks and how beautiful his body is for him. jungkook run one hand through taes wet hair, tugging onto them a little and the other one losely hung. after some time of just taehyung showing his appreciation to jks body jungkook bite lower lip and pulled his head softly away.

taehyung looked up at him and smiled with soft hum following, jungkook carefully pushed taehyung by his shoulders to sit more on the shower tiles and sat onto his lap making him smile warmly. "I love you, thank you for being here for me always" jungkook said with hands slowly moving onto taes wet chest, taehyung brushed their noses and whispered "I never loved someone as much as you, kook" before connecting their lips into deep, passionate kiss.

time skip

jungkook ended his work and when taehyung picked him up perfectly at 7pm they got ready in his dorm and as fast as they can made a way to yoongi's big party in his parents house. the house was big and decorated in a lot of things but at the same time inside was comfortable and music wasn't too loud, for jungkook it was perfect. not too loud and not too many people.

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