twenty three: painkiller

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jungkook slowly opened eyes at not feeling taehyung next to him, it's 2 days after what happened with soobin. they spent that time together almost not leaving jks bed, they mostly cuddled and shared sweet kisses with breaks for food or shower.

jungkook even after their talk about everything what happened could feel that taehyung was more quiet through that time, he was giving his whole attention to him don't get me wrong but at the same time the younger felt something was not right. he still felt guilty.

jungkook whipped his sleepy eyes and sat up onto his bed, whispering "taehyungie?" but heard nothing back. he leaned for his phone to check the hour but noticed the messages from soobin

park soobin

hey where are you?
why did you leave me?
are you there?
please answer
now you're avoiding?
come on
let's meet again the night was so good 🤤
now you act like a child or what?

he sigh annoyed and stand up from the bed all sleepy and worried at where taehyung is, mostly when he leave bed at night something is trapping him. jungkook opened door to his bedroom and noticed taehyung standing in the kitchen next to his shelf where he keep his all medicine.

"tae?" jungkook whispered and taehyung is quick to turn and face him "oh- did I wake you up?" taehyung asked a little bit nervous and the younger slowly walked closer to him just to kiss taes lips gently "no, what are you looking for?" jk whispered against them. "painkillers" taehyung explained quickly, having hands onto jks slim waist meanwhile "but here are only mine medicines for depression taehyungie, there!" jungkook said and jumped to grab the needed medicine.

"fuck, I can't reach it" jungkook said annoyed and jumped again, this time he reach it and happily sat onto kitchen table, giving taehyung needed medication and saying preciously afterwards "here you go". taehyung brushed their noses and whispered "thank you, I don't know what I would do without you", before bringing one pill into his mouth and quickly swallowing it, sighing afterwards. "everything okay with you?" jungkook asked quietly with hands onto taes shoulders, legs wrapped around taes middle to not let him go.

"yeah just couldn't sleep, I can't control it sorry If I wake you up because of that" taehyung said and leaned to kiss jks jaw several times lovely "you're so sleepy still, I can see it on your face darling" he mumbled against his skin feeling bad that woke the younger up. "I'm fine tae but I'm worrying more about you? do you wanna talk about something with me? please be honest" jungkook said with little smile, softly sighing at taes handsome futures.

how can someone look as handsome as he looks everyday? damn~ he is so good looking even at night he thought

taehyung sigh "it's nothing really-", "tell me tae, please" jungkook said, playing a little with taes hair at the back of his neck from little stress. taehyung exhlaed and while looking away he explained slowly "it's just... after what happened... I can't feel that you're mine, I know it's weird and don't get me wrong I forgave you but... fuck I feel like- part of you  don't belong to me anymore, I-I mean your body... it's so fuckin weird but I-I can't stop thinking about it". jungkook bite lower lip and closed eyes harshly, whispering "you know that's not true, tae".

"I know that's why it's so stupid" taehyung said back and nuzzled nose into jks neck "don't pay attention to it, I'm having probably just stupid moods as always let's forget about this conversation". jungkook run palms through taes hair and whispered "I'm sorry tae-", "no shut up, don't apologise again. we had this talk and I don't want to come back to this anymore baby you need sleep so come on" taehyung said and pulled away just to fix a little jks soft, black hair "don't worry about me".

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