sixteen: grateful

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jungkook is laying onto his bed, it's hours later after the taehyungs and yeonjuns fight. he can't sleep, he can't even close his eyes for longer than 5 minutes. always have a scene of taehyung in the fight, he never saw him fighting before and was glad but now when they're in deeper relation he felt like he was the person who fought.

suddenly felt arm around his waist and hot breath onto his neck "you still can't sleep?" taehyung asked and kissed jks side of neck. jungkook shook head weakly still looking ahead, eyes tired from crying but still new tears are flowing to them. "your body is tense, that's because of me?" taehyung asked softly and started moving hands up and down onto jks thigh "no, it's just... I'm trying so much to fall asleep, that's why" jungkook whispered, his voice sounds sadder than taehyung could think.

"you wanna talk about this? I mean, about what happened" taehyung asked and jungkook nodded softly before lighting up the night lamp and turning to face the elder „hi baby" taehyung whispered and leaned to kiss jks puffy, red and warm cheek. "I hate seeing you in tears" tae said meanwhile still having one arm around jks waist "I hate seeing you fighting" jungkook said back now new little tears started running down onto his cheeks.

"kook, you know that I won't look idly when someone is talking about you that way or treat you like a shit. yeonjun is an asshole, he was doing all this in purpose. to provoke me" taehyung explain, trying to make an eye contact with the younger who was looking at his chest the whole time. "and he was right, he provoked you" jungkook said now meeting his eyes, taehyungs heart broke at seeing how he looks. he looked like a crying little baby, he doesn't deserve this. all this suffer was visible in jungkooks eyes.

"I know and I'm sorry for that, sometimes I can't control myself and when he was talking about you..." taehyung sigh "that he wants to fuck with you and everything I couldn't stop myself" he continued not even noticing that was tightening his grip around the younger. "I'm not a whore taehyung, I'm not a whore because we slept together. I'm not a whore If I would sleep with anybody who I likes" jungkook said to be sure that taehyung heard that, he knows that he doesn't think that way about him of course but for own satisfaction he had to say it.

"I know, of course you aren't. lisa is just a bitch, I told her that when I waited for director and will have consequences including yeonjun" taehyung said and moved one hand from jks waist to his cheek, whipping there his tears as soft as he can. "I'm scared that people don't think the same about me after this. fuck what I was even thinking, fucking in the car? I hate myself so much" jungkook said and bite lower lip harshly, that awful habit.

taehyung with his thumb parted jks lips to stop him from biting it and whispered "there's nothing wrong with us, we just let ourselves be carried away by emotion but I'm not regretting anything". jungkook blushed and breathe out heavily "I'm not regretting that I was annoying you in your work, that I kissed you in my room for the first time because I wanted to do that for a long time, I'm not regretting that I pushed woozi away from you or our first time at all, I won't regret anything related to you jungkook" taehyung continued never breaking the eye contact.

jks heart almost explode, he felt so much in that moment but the most happiness & helplessness. he felt so glad that have someone like taehyung in his life, someone so protective over him and lovely. someone with who he can be himself all the time, with every another day with taehyung he regrets even more his words about relationships. "I'm not regretting anything too" jungkook whispered and put hand onto taes cheek "I'm just sorry you were fighting and you might have been hurt", "I always win baby, you don't have to worry If I get punch in the face. I can take it" taehyung said back with warm smile.

"shut up" jungkook giggle, tears still running down onto his soft cheeks and taehyung sigh at seeing it lovely "what are you thinking about?" he asked at seeing jks pensive face. "just how could I repay you for all this" jungkook answered and run palms through taes dark hair, softly running between them palms as a pleasurable touch. taehyung closed eyes, almost purring at the contact "you don't have to repay me for anything, I just want to feel you close darling".

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