fifteen: defense

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jungkook slowly opened eyes at feeling that taehyung was putting wet kisses onto his arm and shoulder, after having their hot moment in the car they quickly came back to jks dorm and got an round 2. both of them right now are laying on the bed completely naked, college starts in about 1 hour. they don't care either so.

"morning" jungkook said with precious, sleepy smile, sighing at feeling taes lips onto his. "good morning, baby" taehyung whispered against his lips "oh so now I'm your 'baby'?" jungkook asked with little giggle following "you always were, don't play like you didn't know it already" taehyung answered now moving hands up and down onto jks belly who rolled eyes playfully.

"how are you feeling? your ass is okay after yesterday?" taehyung chuckled, feeling that jungkook started playing with his hand. "you mean today? yup, I'm feeling better than ever just still tired" jungkook said with closed eyes, tae connected their hands completely making him bite lower lip "did I tell you how beautiful your naked body is? I could touch you for the rest of my life" taehyung said lowely, jungkook moved to lay now onto back and looked into his eyes.

"I want to taste every part of you" taehyung whispered and leaned to kiss jks neck. jungkook bite lower lip and run palms through taes dark, chocolate hair absolutely loving the feeling of taes sucking and kissing his skin. taehyung started going more down to jks chest, kissing his milky skin there making jungkook moan softly. the domination in taes every move is visible from far away.

when the elder finally came to jks belly, he licked his skin there making his muscles relax immediately. jungkook throw one hand above his head from helplessness while the other one is still tangled in taes hair. taehyung pushed his tongue into jks bellybutton giving the younger so much pleasure, jungkook started tugging a little onto taes hair feeling that the elder still was pushing in and out his tongue.


jungkooks alarm started going off making him open eyes, taehyung gave him last kisses to his belly and chest before being on the same level as jks face. "I guess world doesn't want us to continue" taehyung chuckled and took jks hair away from his forehead "I have to talk to the teacher today so" jungkook said and started stretching himself a little "alright, let's go then" taehyung said and kissed jks lips one more time before sitting up, pulling the younger with him.

jungkook grabbed his phone to check the time but noticed messages from jimin

chim 💕

jungkookie are you there?
everything's fine?
I couldn't found you at the party
are you okay?
did taehyung do something wrong???
you guys seemed mad at each other

jungkookie 💓🥺

sorry! I'm okay! ❤️
yeah I got a little fight with tae
but now we're fine

chim 💕

that's great! 😘
you guys fucked all night don't you?

jungkookie 💓🥺

fuck shut up
we actually did to be honest...
I'm literally sitting next to him naked so

chim 💕

that's good
your sex life is getting more exciting I see 😏
you talked to him about y'know
loving etc

jungkookie 💓🥺

yeah and that's why we fought
but when we left the party
he said he feels so much to me
and kinda agree about that

chim 💕

your hands on my body | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now