Breaking the Legacy

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Guys, try my other book if possible...
My Boyfriend's lover (bxb)
I hope you all will like it.😊

Packhouse, Alpha's Office
Alpha Clark

"Alpha, it's Kyle, something has happened to him." My beta came crashing down the office door a couple of minutes after Andrew left, the look on his face speaking volumes to back his statement.

My eyes widen at his words as I jumped from my desk and ran with my beta towards where Kyle had been. We came out in the backyard of the packhouse to see many of the pack members surrounding someone and watching closely.

I entered the circle and everybody moved to the side seeing me approaching.

"What happened?" I asked no one in particular.

But before anyone could answer my eyes fell on unconscious Kyle lying on the ground.

I fell to my knees beside the pack doctor who was checking upon him. I looked at him and then at Kyle who even unconscious appeared in a lot of pain.

"What... What happened to him, who did this to him?" I looked at my beta and the others standing around.

Before they could answer the doctor stood up. "Is he alright?" I asked once I stood up to face him.

"He is fine Alpha just unconscious from the pain, I guess." He spoke as he motioned for others to carry Kyle to his room.

"What happened here?" I asked turning to my Beta again.

"Not sure with the details Alpha but we heard a painful howl coming from the forest so I had asked the pack guards and warriors to check upon it. When they returned they were carrying unconscious Kyle and the howl was probably from him as when they reached him he was clenching his chest and writhing in pain on the forest floor."

The confusion was all that entered my mind. I looked at the pack doctor for an explanation for it. He looked at me and then at others standing around me "I would like to talk in private." He said in our link nodding to the packhouse.

His serious tone and the dark wave of emotions didn't sit well in my gut and I nodded starting to walk "In my office then" I said to the doctor and my beta both.

I can feel them buzzing, the news of unconscious Kyle spreading like wildfire among the pack members. The unrest from the members on the ground alone is unsettling. They all know the person in the talk is their future Alpha and there are not many things out there that can make a 'were' unconscious let alone Alpha blood.

Entering into my office which was thankfully soundproof before I broke the windows myself I took a seat on a chair in front of my desk and motioned for the other two to sit on the sofa facing the opposite wall. Why didn't I hear the damn howl? The office isn't soundproof anymore.

I watched them taking their seats before I began
"Now, I want to know what is wrong with my son and who is responsible for it."

The pack doctor looked at us both before taking a deep breath and then looking down for a minute he began "I am sure you both are not going to like what I am going to tell you but still... so I checked him up and if what I am thinking this is then it is for no good."

I was getting slightly frustrated by his round talking "Would you please tell it straight!" I ended up using my commanding voice at him.

He looked taken aback at me and possibly scared at my outburst not expecting me to get charged up.

"Well, Alpha what I mean is that it appears that Kyle has been rejected by his mate. He is starting to show the signs of rejection and if the pain and pale body colour is already not giving it away then the darkness appearing on his chest above his heart confirms it.

Rejected 1: Fall For The Rise(boyxboy)✔*New Edition*Where stories live. Discover now